public class Final { private static int[] Tedg = new int[12]; private static int[] Ttri = new int[8]; private static int[] cub = new int[4]; private static int Ttotal; private static int[] TedgTotal = new int[13]; private static int Tcount; private static int[][] Tworks = new int[77][12]; private static int[] T = new int[12]; private static int[] Oedg = new int[12]; private static int[] Otri = new int[8]; private static int[] quar = new int[3]; private static int Ototal; private static int[] OedgTotal = new int[13]; private static int Ocount; private static int[][] Oworks = new int[153][12]; private static int[] O = new int[12]; private static int Ftotal; private static int[] quad = new int[24]; private static int[] FedgTotal = new int[25]; private static int[][] Fworks = new int[166][24]; private static int[][] sharp = new int[166][48]; private static int a2init; private static int b2init; private static int c2init; private static int[] orbits = new int[100]; private static int[] tempFworks = new int[24]; private static int[] FworksUsed = new int[166]; private static int orbitCount; private static int[][] orbitList = new int[30][30]; public static void main(String [] args) { Ttotal = 0; Ototal = 0; Tcount = 0; Ocount = 0; Ftotal = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { TedgTotal[i] = 0; OedgTotal[i] = 0; } for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { Tedg[i] = 0; Oedg[i] = 0; } for(int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) { Ttotal = Ttotal + Tcheck(); addModTwo(Tedg,0); } for(int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) { Ototal = Ototal + Ocheck(); addModTwo(Oedg,0); } for(int i = 0; i < 153; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 77; j++) { Ftotal = Ftotal + checkQuadric(i,j); } } for(int i = 0; i < 166; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 48; j++) sharp[i][j] = 1; checkSharp(Fworks[i][5], Fworks[i][4], Fworks[i][1], 9, 10, 11, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][2], Fworks[i][3], Fworks[i][5], 0, 2, 1, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][0], Fworks[i][3], Fworks[i][4], 4, 3, 5, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][2], Fworks[i][0], Fworks[i][1], 6, 7, 8, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][10], Fworks[i][7], Fworks[i][6], 36, 37, 38, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][7], Fworks[i][11], Fworks[i][8], 44, 43, 42, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][6], Fworks[i][8], Fworks[i][9], 47, 46, 45, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][10], Fworks[i][11], Fworks[i][9], 39, 40, 41, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][19], Fworks[i][15], Fworks[i][14], 21, 22, 23, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][17], Fworks[i][16], Fworks[i][20], 12, 13, 14, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][12], Fworks[i][13], Fworks[i][18], 15, 17, 16, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][21], Fworks[i][22], Fworks[i][23], 27, 29, 28, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][17], Fworks[i][12], Fworks[i][21], 24, 25, 26, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][23], Fworks[i][16], Fworks[i][15], 31, 30, 32, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][22], Fworks[i][13], Fworks[i][14], 33, 34, 35, i); checkSharp(Fworks[i][18], Fworks[i][19], Fworks[i][20], 19, 20, 18, i); boolean changed = true; while(changed == true) { changed = false; changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][0], sharp[i][1], sharp[i][2], 14, 12, 13, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][14], sharp[i][12], sharp[i][13], 0, 1, 2, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][3], sharp[i][4], sharp[i][5], 17, 16, 15, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][17], sharp[i][16], sharp[i][15], 3, 4, 5, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][6], sharp[i][7], sharp[i][8], 29, 28, 27, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][29], sharp[i][28], sharp[i][27], 6, 7, 8, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][9], sharp[i][10], sharp[i][11], 23, 22, 21, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][23], sharp[i][22], sharp[i][21], 9, 10, 11, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][36], sharp[i][37], sharp[i][38], 26, 25, 24, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][26], sharp[i][25], sharp[i][24], 36, 37, 38, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][39], sharp[i][40], sharp[i][41], 20, 19, 18, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][20], sharp[i][19], sharp[i][18], 39, 40, 41, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][42], sharp[i][43], sharp[i][44], 30, 31, 32, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][30], sharp[i][31], sharp[i][32], 42, 43, 44, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][45], sharp[i][46], sharp[i][47], 33, 34, 35, i); changed = checkSharp2(sharp[i][33], sharp[i][34], sharp[i][35], 45, 46, 47, i); } } for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { orbits[i] = 0; } for(int i = 0; i < 166; i++) FworksUsed[i] = 1; orbitCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 166; i++) { if(FworksUsed[i] == 1) { orbitCount++; orbits[orbitCount] = 1; FworksUsed[i] = 0; orbitList[orbitCount][orbits[orbitCount]] = i; for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) tempFworks[j] = Fworks[i][j]; c(i); b(i); a(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; b(i); c(i); a(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; f(i); b(i); e(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; f(i); c(i); e(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; b(i); f(i); d(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; b(i); c(i); d(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; b(i); a(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; a(i); b(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; f(i); a(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; f(i); d(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; c(i); e(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; c(i); d(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; c(i); b(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; c(i); f(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; a(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; e(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; d(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; b(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; f(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; c(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; c(i); a(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; f(i); e(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; b(i); d(i); checkPerm(i); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) Fworks[i][j] = tempFworks[j]; } } /** for(int i = 0; i < 166; i++) { int zeroEdges = 24; for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) { zeroEdges = zeroEdges - Fworks[i][j]; } if(zeroEdges == 4) { System.out.println(i); for(int p = 0; p < 24; p++) { System.out.println("Fworks[ " + i + " ][ " + p + " ] = " + Fworks[i][p]); } System.out.println(); } } **/ for(int i = 1; i < orbitCount + 1; i++) { System.out.println("The size of orbit #" + i + " is " + orbits[i] + "."); } int q = 19; for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("orbit " + q + ", entry " + orbitList[q][i] + " = "); for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) { System.out.println(j + " = " + Fworks[orbitList[q][i]][j]); } } /** int j = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { System.out.println("Fworks[ " + j + " ][ " + i + " ] = " + Fworks[j][i]); } System.out.println(); for(int i = 0; i < 48; i++) { System.out.println("sharp[ " + j + " ][ " + i + " ] = " + sharp[j][i]); } System.out.println("Total possibilities for Triangle Two: " + Ttotal); for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++) System.out.println("Possibilities with " + i + " 'zero' edges: " + TedgTotal[i]); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Total possibilities for Triangles One, Three: " + Ototal); for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++) System.out.println("Possibilities with " + i + " 'zero' edges: " + OedgTotal[i]); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Total possibilities: " + Ftotal); for(int i = 0; i < 25; i++) System.out.println("Possibilities with " + i + " 'zero' edges: " + FedgTotal[i]); **/ } public static void addModTwo(int[] a, int i) { if(a[i] == 0) { a[i] = 1; return; } else if(i > 10) return; else { a[i] = 0; addModTwo(a,i+1); } } public static int Tcheck() { Ttri[0] = Tedg[4] + Tedg[5] + Tedg[8]; Ttri[1] = Tedg[0] + Tedg[1] + Tedg[6]; Ttri[2] = Tedg[6] + Tedg[7] + Tedg[8]; Ttri[3] = Tedg[2] + Tedg[3] + Tedg[7]; Ttri[4] = Tedg[3] + Tedg[4] + Tedg[11]; Ttri[5] = Tedg[1] + Tedg[2] + Tedg[10]; Ttri[6] = Tedg[9] + Tedg[10] + Tedg[11]; Ttri[7] = Tedg[0] + Tedg[5] + Tedg[9]; for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) if(Ttri[i] == 1) return 0; if(!checkCubic()) return 0; int Tedges = 12; for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) Tedges = Tedges - Tedg[i]; TedgTotal[Tedges]++; for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) Tworks[Tcount][i] = Tedg[i]; Tcount++; return 1; } public static boolean checkCubic() { cub[0] = (Tedg[5] * Tedg[1] * Tedg[3]) - (Tedg[2] * Tedg[4] * Tedg[0]); cub[1] = (Tedg[6] * Tedg[4] * Tedg[10]) - (Tedg[11] * Tedg[1] * Tedg[8]); cub[2] = (Tedg[5] * Tedg[10] * Tedg[7]) - (Tedg[2] * Tedg[8] * Tedg[9]); cub[3] = (Tedg[6] * Tedg[3] * Tedg[9]) - (Tedg[11] * Tedg[0] * Tedg[7]); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if(cub[i] != 0) return false; return true; } public static int Ocheck() { Otri[0] = Oedg[0] + Oedg[1] + Oedg[2]; Otri[1] = Oedg[2] + Oedg[3] + Oedg[5]; Otri[2] = Oedg[0] + Oedg[3] + Oedg[4]; Otri[3] = Oedg[1] + Oedg[4] + Oedg[5]; Otri[4] = Oedg[9] + Oedg[10] + Oedg[11]; Otri[5] = Oedg[7] + Oedg[8] + Oedg[11]; Otri[6] = Oedg[6] + Oedg[8] + Oedg[9]; Otri[7] = Oedg[6] + Oedg[7] + Oedg[10]; for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) if(Otri[i] == 1) return 0; if(!checkQuartic()) return 0; int Oedges = 12; for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) Oedges = Oedges - Oedg[i]; OedgTotal[Oedges]++; for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) Oworks[Ocount][i] = Oedg[i]; Ocount++; return 1; } public static boolean checkQuartic() { quar[0] = (Oedg[0] * Oedg[5] * Oedg[9] * Oedg[7]) - (Oedg[2] * Oedg[4] * Oedg[6] * Oedg[11]); quar[1] = (Oedg[0] * Oedg[5] * Oedg[10] * Oedg[8]) - (Oedg[1] * Oedg[3] * Oedg[6] * Oedg[11]); quar[2] = (Oedg[1] * Oedg[3] * Oedg[9] * Oedg[7]) - (Oedg[2] * Oedg[4] * Oedg[10] * Oedg[8]); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if(quar[i] != 0) return false; return true; } public static int checkQuadric(int i, int j) { for(int k = 0; k < 12; k++) O[k] = Oworks[i][k]; for(int l = 0; l < 12; l++) T[l] = Tworks[j][l]; quad[0] = (O[5] * T[7]) - (O[1] * T[2]); quad[1] = (O[5] * T[3]) - (O[4] * T[2]); quad[2] = (O[1] * T[3]) - (O[4] * T[7]); quad[3] = (O[2] * T[4]) - (O[3] * T[8]); quad[4] = (O[2] * T[5]) - (O[5] * T[8]); quad[5] = (O[3] * T[5]) - (O[5] * T[4]); quad[6] = (O[3] * T[6]) - (O[0] * T[1]); quad[7] = (O[3] * T[0]) - (O[4] * T[1]); quad[8] = (O[0] * T[0]) - (O[4] * T[6]); quad[9] = (O[0] * T[9]) - (O[1] * T[11]); quad[10] = (O[0] * T[10]) - (O[2] * T[11]); quad[11] = (O[1] * T[10]) - (O[2] * T[9]); quad[12] = (O[6] * T[0]) - (O[7] * T[5]); quad[13] = (O[6] * T[9]) - (O[10] * T[5]); quad[14] = (O[7] * T[9]) - (O[10] * T[0]); quad[15] = (O[7] * T[4]) - (O[8] * T[3]); quad[16] = (O[7] * T[11]) - (O[11] * T[3]); quad[17] = (O[8] * T[11]) - (O[11] * T[4]); quad[18] = (O[6] * T[1]) - (O[8] * T[2]); quad[19] = (O[6] * T[10]) - (O[9] * T[2]); quad[20] = (O[8] * T[10]) - (O[9] * T[1]); quad[21] = (O[9] * T[7]) - (O[10] * T[8]); quad[22] = (O[9] * T[6]) - (O[11] * T[8]); quad[23] = (O[10] * T[6]) - (O[11] * T[7]); for(int m = 0; m < 24; m++) if(quad[m] != 0) return 0; int countOne = 0; int countTwo = 0; int countThree = 0; for(int n = 0; n < 12; n++) countTwo = countTwo + T[n]; for(int p = 0; p < 6; p++) { countOne = countOne + O[p]; countThree = countThree + O[p+6]; } if(countOne == 0 || countTwo == 0 || countThree == 0) return 0; int edges = 24; for(int x = 0; x < 12; x++) edges = edges - O[x] - T[x]; FedgTotal[edges]++; for(int z = 0; z < 24; z++) { if(z < 12) Fworks[Ftotal][z] = O[z]; else Fworks[Ftotal][z] = T[z-12]; } return 1; } public static void checkSharp(int a1, int b1, int c1, int a, int b, int c, int i) { if(a1 + b1 + c1 == 3) return; if(a1 == 0 && b1 == 1 && c1 == 1) { sharp[i][a] = 0; sharp[i][b] = 1; sharp[i][c] = 1; return; } else if(a1 == 1 && b1 == 0 && c1 == 1) { sharp[i][a] = 1; sharp[i][b] = 0; sharp[i][c] = 1; return; } else if(a1 == 1 && b1 == 1 && c1 == 0) { sharp[i][a] = 1; sharp[i][b] = 1; sharp[i][c] = 0; return; } } public static boolean checkSharp2(int a1, int b1, int c1, int a, int b, int c, int i) { a2init = sharp[i][a]; b2init = sharp[i][b]; c2init = sharp[i][c]; if(a1 + b1 + c1 == 3 ) return false; if(a1 == 0 && b1 == 1 && c1 == 1) { int a2 = sharp[i][a] = 0; int b2 = sharp[i][b] = 1; int c2 = sharp[i][c] = 1; return changed(a2, b2, c2); } else if(a1 == 1 && b1 == 0 && c1 == 1) { int a2 = sharp[i][a] = 1; int b2 = sharp[i][b] = 0; int c2 = sharp[i][c] = 1; return changed(a2, b2, c2); } else if(a1 == 1 && b1 == 1 && c1 == 0) { int a2 = sharp[i][a] = 1; int b2 = sharp[i][b] = 1; int c2 = sharp[i][c] = 0; return changed(a2, b2, c2); } else return false; } public static boolean changed(int a2, int b2, int c2) { if(a2init == a2 && b2init == b2 && c2init == c2) return false; else return true; } public static void a(int i) { int[] temp = new int[24]; for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) temp[j] = Fworks[i][j]; Fworks[i][0] = temp[1]; Fworks[i][1] = temp[0]; Fworks[i][3] = temp[5]; Fworks[i][5] = temp[3]; Fworks[i][21] = temp[23]; Fworks[i][23] = temp[21]; Fworks[i][17] = temp[16]; Fworks[i][16] = temp[17]; Fworks[i][12] = temp[15]; Fworks[i][15] = temp[12]; Fworks[i][13] = temp[14]; Fworks[i][14] = temp[13]; Fworks[i][18] = temp[19]; Fworks[i][19] = temp[18]; Fworks[i][10] = temp[11]; Fworks[i][11] = temp[10]; Fworks[i][6] = temp[8]; Fworks[i][8] = temp[6]; } public static void b(int i) { int[] temp = new int[24]; for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) temp[j] = Fworks[i][j]; Fworks[i][0] = temp[2]; Fworks[i][2] = temp[0]; Fworks[i][4] = temp[5]; Fworks[i][5] = temp[4]; Fworks[i][14] = temp[15]; Fworks[i][15] = temp[14]; Fworks[i][13] = temp[16]; Fworks[i][16] = temp[13]; Fworks[i][12] = temp[17]; Fworks[i][17] = temp[12]; Fworks[i][23] = temp[22]; Fworks[i][22] = temp[23]; Fworks[i][18] = temp[20]; Fworks[i][20] = temp[18]; Fworks[i][9] = temp[11]; Fworks[i][11] = temp[9]; Fworks[i][6] = temp[7]; Fworks[i][7] = temp[6]; } public static void c(int i) { int[] temp = new int[24]; for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) temp[j] = Fworks[i][j]; Fworks[i][0] = temp[3]; Fworks[i][3] = temp[0]; Fworks[i][1] = temp[5]; Fworks[i][5] = temp[1]; Fworks[i][13] = temp[18]; Fworks[i][18] = temp[13]; Fworks[i][14] = temp[19]; Fworks[i][19] = temp[14]; Fworks[i][17] = temp[21]; Fworks[i][21] = temp[17]; Fworks[i][16] = temp[23]; Fworks[i][23] = temp[16]; Fworks[i][20] = temp[22]; Fworks[i][22] = temp[20]; Fworks[i][10] = temp[6]; Fworks[i][6] = temp[10]; Fworks[i][11] = temp[8]; Fworks[i][8] = temp[11]; } public static void d(int i) { int[] temp = new int[24]; for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) temp[j] = Fworks[i][j]; Fworks[i][0] = temp[4]; Fworks[i][4] = temp[0]; Fworks[i][2] = temp[5]; Fworks[i][5] = temp[2]; Fworks[i][12] = temp[18]; Fworks[i][18] = temp[12]; Fworks[i][17] = temp[20]; Fworks[i][20] = temp[17]; Fworks[i][14] = temp[22]; Fworks[i][22] = temp[14]; Fworks[i][15] = temp[23]; Fworks[i][23] = temp[15]; Fworks[i][19] = temp[21]; Fworks[i][21] = temp[19]; Fworks[i][7] = temp[11]; Fworks[i][11] = temp[7]; Fworks[i][6] = temp[9]; Fworks[i][9] = temp[6]; } public static void e(int i) { int[] temp = new int[24]; for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) temp[j] = Fworks[i][j]; Fworks[i][3] = temp[4]; Fworks[i][4] = temp[3]; Fworks[i][2] = temp[1]; Fworks[i][1] = temp[2]; Fworks[i][12] = temp[13]; Fworks[i][13] = temp[12]; Fworks[i][17] = temp[14]; Fworks[i][14] = temp[17]; Fworks[i][15] = temp[16]; Fworks[i][16] = temp[15]; Fworks[i][19] = temp[20]; Fworks[i][20] = temp[19]; Fworks[i][22] = temp[21]; Fworks[i][21] = temp[22]; Fworks[i][7] = temp[8]; Fworks[i][8] = temp[7]; Fworks[i][10] = temp[9]; Fworks[i][9] = temp[10]; } public static void f(int i) { int[] temp = new int[24]; for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++) temp[j] = Fworks[i][j]; Fworks[i][1] = temp[4]; Fworks[i][4] = temp[1]; Fworks[i][2] = temp[3]; Fworks[i][3] = temp[2]; Fworks[i][15] = temp[19]; Fworks[i][19] = temp[15]; Fworks[i][16] = temp[20]; Fworks[i][20] = temp[16]; Fworks[i][12] = temp[21]; Fworks[i][21] = temp[12]; Fworks[i][13] = temp[22]; Fworks[i][22] = temp[13]; Fworks[i][23] = temp[18]; Fworks[i][18] = temp[23]; Fworks[i][9] = temp[8]; Fworks[i][8] = temp[9]; Fworks[i][10] = temp[7]; Fworks[i][7] = temp[10]; } public static void checkPerm(int i) { for(int j = 0; j < 166; j++) { if(FworksUsed[j] == 1) { boolean okay = true; for(int k = 0; k < 24; k++) { if(Fworks[i][k] != Fworks[j][k]) { okay = false; } } if(okay == true) { orbits[orbitCount]++; FworksUsed[j] = 0; orbitList[orbitCount][orbits[orbitCount]] = j; } } } } }
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