import java.lang.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; public class FivePoints { public static int[][] s_1 = new int[268][11]; public static int[][] s_2 = new int[268][31]; public static int[][] s_3 = new int[268][31]; public static int[][] s_4 = new int[268][11]; public static Triangle[][] s_1_tri = new Triangle[268][11]; public static Triangle[][] s_2_tri = new Triangle[268][31]; public static Triangle[][] s_3_tri = new Triangle[268][31]; public static Triangle[][] s_4_tri = new Triangle[268][11]; public static int[][] sh_1 = new int[268][71]; public static int[][] sh_2 = new int[268][211]; public static int[][] sh_3 = new int[268][211]; public static int[][] sh_4 = new int[268][71]; public static Triangle[][] sh_1_tri = new Triangle[268][41]; public static Triangle[][] sh_2_tri = new Triangle[268][121]; public static Triangle[][] sh_3_tri = new Triangle[268][121]; public static Triangle[][] sh_4_tri = new Triangle[268][41]; public static List[][] list_1 = new List[268][11]; public static List[][] list_2 = new List[268][31]; public static List[][] list_3 = new List[268][31]; public static List[][] list_4 = new List[268][11]; public static Tet[][] d1_tet = new Tet[268][6]; public static Tet[][] d2_tet = new Tet[268][6]; public static Tet[][] d3_tet = new Tet[268][6]; public static Tet[][] d4_tet = new Tet[268][6]; public static Oct[][] d2_oct = new Oct[268][6]; public static Oct[][] d3_oct = new Oct[268][6]; public static SubSpace[][] sub = new SubSpace[268][11]; public static int[][] SubSpaceComplete = new int[268][11]; public static String filename = "S_Data.txt"; public static String subSpaceFile = "TetSpaces.txt"; public static boolean copy_s_four; public static boolean twoToThree; public static boolean twoToThreeSecond; public static boolean ready; public static int strataFirst; public static int strataLast; public static int[] collapsedStrata = new int[215]; public static int collapsedStrataCount; public static boolean outputTwo; public static boolean outputThree; public static boolean outputFour; public static boolean outputFive; public static boolean outputSix; public static boolean outputSeven; public static boolean outputEight; public static boolean outputEightSOnly; public static boolean outputNine; public static boolean outputTen; public static boolean outputEightDivisorsSOnly; public static boolean outputEightDivisors; public static boolean outputTwoDivisors; public static boolean outputNineDivisors; public static boolean trace; public static boolean subTrace; public static boolean recursionTrace; public static int strata; public static int divisors; public static int number; public static int[][] subs_tetOne = new int[177][7]; public static int[][] subs_oct = new int[177][13]; public static int[][] subs_tetTwo = new int[177][7]; public static int numSubs; public static boolean globalChanged; public static int globalCounter; public static int globalIterator; public static char[] divisorTags = new char[215]; public static int[] divisorTagsNumber = new int[215]; public static SharpStack[][] sharpStack = new SharpStack[268][200]; public static int[] sharpCount = new int[268]; public static Sharp[][] sharps = new Sharp[268][100]; public static boolean[] hasGoodSharps = new boolean[268]; public static boolean[] hasUnderCollapsedSharps = new boolean[268]; public static void main(String [] args) { copy_s_four = true; strata = 268; divisors = 215; if(filename == "divisors_sorted_wtag.txt") number = divisors; else number = strata; trace = false; subTrace = false; recursionTrace = false; outputTwo = false; outputThree = false; outputFour = false; outputFive = false; outputSix = false; outputSeven = false; outputEight = false; outputEightSOnly = false; outputNine = false; outputTen = false; outputEightDivisorsSOnly = false; outputEightDivisors = false; outputTwoDivisors = false; outputNineDivisors = false; strataFirst = 0; strataLast = 1; if(filename == "divisors_sorted_wtag.txt") readFromFileDivisors(); else readFromFile(); initializeSharp(); initializeTriangles(); sToSharp(); for(globalIterator = strataFirst; globalIterator < strataLast; globalIterator++) { globalChanged = true; twoToThree = true; twoToThreeSecond = true; while(globalChanged == true) { globalChanged = false; subSpaceAnalysis(globalIterator); triangleComparisons(globalIterator); } // sharpStack[globalIterator] = new SharpStack(); Sharp sharp = new Sharp(sh_1[globalIterator], sh_2[globalIterator], sh_3[globalIterator], sh_4[globalIterator], globalIterator); hasGoodSharps[globalIterator] = false; hasUnderCollapsedSharps[globalIterator] = false; sharpCount[globalIterator] = 0; brancher(sharp, 1); if(!hasGoodSharps[globalIterator]) System.out.println((globalIterator + 1) + " : null"); // outputForStacks(globalIterator); // System.out.println(sharpCount[globalIterator]); } if(outputTwo) outputTwo(); if(outputThree) outputThree(); if(outputFour) outputFour(); if(outputFive) outputFive(); // if(outputSix) outputSix(); if(outputSeven) outputSeven(); if(outputEight) outputEight(); if(outputEightSOnly) outputEightSOnly(); if(outputNine) outputNine(); if(outputEightDivisorsSOnly) outputEightDivisorsSOnly(); if(outputEightDivisors) outputEightDivisors(); if(outputTwoDivisors) outputTwoDivisors(); } public static void readFromFileDivisors() { try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String line = in.readLine(); int sCount = 0; int charCount = 0; char currentChar = ' '; while (line != null) { StringTokenizer ST = new StringTokenizer(line, ":"); String first = ST.nextToken(); String second = ST.nextToken(); String third = ST.nextToken(); String fourth = ST.nextToken(); if(currentChar != first.charAt(0)) { currentChar = first.charAt(0); charCount = 1; } else charCount++; divisorTags[sCount] = first.charAt(0); divisorTagsNumber[sCount] = charCount; int index = 1; for(int i = 3; i < first.length(); i++) { if(first.charAt(i) != ' ') { s_1[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(first.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < second.length(); i++) { if(second.charAt(i) != ' ') { s_2[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(second.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < third.length(); i++) { if(third.charAt(i) != ' ') { s_3[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(third.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < fourth.length(); i++) { if(fourth.charAt(i) != ' ') { s_4[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(fourth.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } line = in.readLine(); sCount++; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("The system cannot find the file specified. A."); } catch (IOException e) { } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(subSpaceFile)); String line = in.readLine(); int sCount = 0; while (line != null) { StringTokenizer ST = new StringTokenizer(line, ":"); String first = ST.nextToken(); String second = ST.nextToken(); String third = ST.nextToken(); int index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < first.length(); i++) { if(first.charAt(i) != ' ') { subs_tetOne[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(first.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < second.length(); i++) { if(second.charAt(i) != ' ') { subs_oct[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(second.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < third.length(); i++) { if(third.charAt(i) != ' ') { subs_tetTwo[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(third.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } line = in.readLine(); sCount++; } numSubs = sCount; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("The system cannot find the file specified. B."); } catch (IOException e) { } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } } public static void readFromFile() { try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String line = in.readLine(); int sCount = 0; while (line != null) { StringTokenizer ST = new StringTokenizer(line, ":"); String first = ST.nextToken(); String second = ST.nextToken(); String third = ST.nextToken(); String fourth = ST.nextToken(); int index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < first.length(); i++) { if(first.charAt(i) != ' ') { s_1[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(first.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < second.length(); i++) { if(second.charAt(i) != ' ') { s_2[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(second.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < third.length(); i++) { if(third.charAt(i) != ' ') { s_3[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(third.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < fourth.length(); i++) { if(fourth.charAt(i) != ' ') { s_4[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(fourth.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } line = in.readLine(); sCount++; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("The system cannot find the file specified. A."); } catch (IOException e) { } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(subSpaceFile)); String line = in.readLine(); int sCount = 0; while (line != null) { StringTokenizer ST = new StringTokenizer(line, ":"); String first = ST.nextToken(); String second = ST.nextToken(); String third = ST.nextToken(); int index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < first.length(); i++) { if(first.charAt(i) != ' ') { subs_tetOne[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(first.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < second.length(); i++) { if(second.charAt(i) != ' ') { subs_oct[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(second.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } index = 1; for(int i = 0; i < third.length(); i++) { if(third.charAt(i) != ' ') { subs_tetTwo[sCount][index] = Integer.parseInt(third.substring(i, i+1)); index++; } } line = in.readLine(); sCount++; } numSubs = sCount; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("The system cannot find the file specified. B."); } catch (IOException e) { } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } } public static void initializeSharp() { for(int j = strataFirst; j < strataLast; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < 71; i++) { sh_1[j][i] = 0; sh_4[j][i] = 0; } } for(int j = strataFirst; j < strataLast; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < 211; i++) { sh_2[j][i] = 0; sh_3[j][i] = 0; } } for(int j = strataFirst; j < strataLast; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { SubSpaceComplete[j][i] = 0; } } } public static void initializeTriangles() { for(int i = strataFirst; i < strataLast; i++) { s_1_tri[i][1] = new Triangle(0, 1, i, 5, 2, 1); s_1_tri[i][2] = new Triangle(0, 1, i, 6, 3, 1); s_1_tri[i][3] = new Triangle(0, 1, i, 7, 4, 1); s_1_tri[i][4] = new Triangle(0, 1, i, 8, 3, 2); s_1_tri[i][5] = new Triangle(0, 1, i, 9, 4, 2); s_1_tri[i][6] = new Triangle(0, 1, i, 10, 4, 3); s_1_tri[i][7] = new Triangle(0, 1, i, 8, 6, 5); s_1_tri[i][8] = new Triangle(0, 1, i, 9, 7, 5); s_1_tri[i][9] = new Triangle(0, 1, i, 10, 7, 6); s_1_tri[i][10] = new Triangle(0, 1, i, 10, 9, 8); s_2_tri[i][1] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 1, 7, 13); s_2_tri[i][2] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 2, 8, 19); s_2_tri[i][3] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 3, 9, 25); s_2_tri[i][4] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 4, 14, 20); s_2_tri[i][5] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 5, 15, 26); s_2_tri[i][6] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 6, 21, 27); s_2_tri[i][7] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 10, 16, 22); s_2_tri[i][8] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 11, 17, 28); s_2_tri[i][9] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 12, 23, 29); s_2_tri[i][10] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 18, 24, 30); s_2_tri[i][11] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 1, 2, 4); s_2_tri[i][12] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 1, 3, 5); s_2_tri[i][13] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 2, 3, 6); s_2_tri[i][14] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 4, 5, 6); s_2_tri[i][15] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 7, 8, 10); s_2_tri[i][16] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 7, 9, 11); s_2_tri[i][17] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 8, 9, 12); s_2_tri[i][18] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 10, 11, 12); s_2_tri[i][19] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 13, 14, 16); s_2_tri[i][20] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 13, 15, 17); s_2_tri[i][21] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 14, 15, 18); s_2_tri[i][22] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 16, 17, 18); s_2_tri[i][23] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 19, 20, 22); s_2_tri[i][24] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 19, 21, 23); s_2_tri[i][25] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 20, 21, 24); s_2_tri[i][26] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 22, 23, 24); s_2_tri[i][27] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 25, 26, 28); s_2_tri[i][28] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 25, 27, 29); s_2_tri[i][29] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 26, 27, 30); s_2_tri[i][30] = new Triangle(0, 2, i, 28, 29, 30); s_3_tri[i][1] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 13, 7, 1); s_3_tri[i][2] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 19, 8, 2); s_3_tri[i][3] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 25, 9, 3); s_3_tri[i][4] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 20, 14, 4); s_3_tri[i][5] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 26, 15, 5); s_3_tri[i][6] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 27, 21, 6); s_3_tri[i][7] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 22, 16, 10); s_3_tri[i][8] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 28, 17, 11); s_3_tri[i][9] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 29, 23, 12); s_3_tri[i][10] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 30, 24, 18); s_3_tri[i][11] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 4, 2, 1); s_3_tri[i][12] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 5, 3, 1); s_3_tri[i][13] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 6, 3, 2); s_3_tri[i][14] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 6, 5, 4); s_3_tri[i][15] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 10, 8, 7); s_3_tri[i][16] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 11, 9, 7); s_3_tri[i][17] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 12, 9, 8); s_3_tri[i][18] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 12, 11, 10); s_3_tri[i][19] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 16, 14, 13); s_3_tri[i][20] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 17, 15, 13); s_3_tri[i][21] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 18, 15, 14); s_3_tri[i][22] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 18, 17, 16); s_3_tri[i][23] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 22, 20, 19); s_3_tri[i][24] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 23, 21, 19); s_3_tri[i][25] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 24, 21, 20); s_3_tri[i][26] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 24, 23, 22); s_3_tri[i][27] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 28, 26, 25); s_3_tri[i][28] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 29, 27, 25); s_3_tri[i][29] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 30, 27, 26); s_3_tri[i][30] = new Triangle(0, 3, i, 30, 29, 28); s_4_tri[i][1] = new Triangle(0, 4, i, 1, 2, 5); s_4_tri[i][2] = new Triangle(0, 4, i, 1, 3, 6); s_4_tri[i][3] = new Triangle(0, 4, i, 1, 4, 7); s_4_tri[i][4] = new Triangle(0, 4, i, 2, 3, 8); s_4_tri[i][5] = new Triangle(0, 4, i, 2, 4, 9); s_4_tri[i][6] = new Triangle(0, 4, i, 3, 4, 10); s_4_tri[i][7] = new Triangle(0, 4, i, 5, 6, 8); s_4_tri[i][8] = new Triangle(0, 4, i, 5, 7, 9); s_4_tri[i][9] = new Triangle(0, 4, i, 6, 7, 10); s_4_tri[i][10] = new Triangle(0, 4, i, 8, 9, 10); sh_1_tri[i][1] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 5, 2, 1); sh_1_tri[i][2] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 6, 3, 1); sh_1_tri[i][3] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 7, 4, 1); sh_1_tri[i][4] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 8, 3, 2); sh_1_tri[i][5] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 9, 4, 2); sh_1_tri[i][6] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 10, 4, 3); sh_1_tri[i][7] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 8, 6, 5); sh_1_tri[i][8] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 9, 7, 5); sh_1_tri[i][9] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 10, 7, 6); sh_1_tri[i][10] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 10, 9, 8); sh_1_tri[i][11] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 14, 12, 11, 1); sh_1_tri[i][12] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 15, 13, 11, 1); sh_1_tri[i][13] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 16, 13, 12, 1); sh_1_tri[i][14] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 16, 15, 14, 1); sh_1_tri[i][15] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 20, 18, 17, 2); sh_1_tri[i][16] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 21, 19, 17, 2); sh_1_tri[i][17] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 22, 19, 18, 2); sh_1_tri[i][18] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 22, 21, 20, 2); sh_1_tri[i][19] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 26, 24, 23, 3); sh_1_tri[i][20] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 27, 25, 23, 3); sh_1_tri[i][21] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 28, 25, 24, 3); sh_1_tri[i][22] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 28, 27, 26, 3); sh_1_tri[i][23] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 32, 30, 29, 4); sh_1_tri[i][24] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 33, 31, 29, 4); sh_1_tri[i][25] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 34, 31, 30, 4); sh_1_tri[i][26] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 34, 33, 32, 4); sh_1_tri[i][27] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 38, 36, 35, 5); sh_1_tri[i][28] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 39, 37, 35, 5); sh_1_tri[i][29] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 40, 37, 36, 5); sh_1_tri[i][30] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 40, 39, 38, 5); sh_1_tri[i][31] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 43, 42, 41); sh_1_tri[i][32] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 46, 45, 44); sh_1_tri[i][33] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 49, 48, 47); sh_1_tri[i][34] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 52, 51, 50); sh_1_tri[i][35] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 55, 54, 53); sh_1_tri[i][36] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 58, 57, 56); sh_1_tri[i][37] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 61, 60, 59); sh_1_tri[i][38] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 64, 63, 62); sh_1_tri[i][39] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 67, 66, 65); sh_1_tri[i][40] = new Triangle(1, 1, i, 70, 69, 68); sh_2_tri[i][1] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 1, 7, 13); sh_2_tri[i][2] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 2, 8, 19); sh_2_tri[i][3] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 3, 9, 25); sh_2_tri[i][4] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 4, 14, 20); sh_2_tri[i][5] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 5, 15, 26); sh_2_tri[i][6] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 6, 21, 27); sh_2_tri[i][7] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 10, 16, 22); sh_2_tri[i][8] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 11, 17, 28); sh_2_tri[i][9] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 12, 23, 29); sh_2_tri[i][10] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 18, 24, 30); sh_2_tri[i][11] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 1, 2, 4); sh_2_tri[i][12] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 1, 3, 5); sh_2_tri[i][13] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 2, 3, 6); sh_2_tri[i][14] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 4, 5, 6); sh_2_tri[i][15] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 7, 8, 10); sh_2_tri[i][16] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 7, 9, 11); sh_2_tri[i][17] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 8, 9, 12); sh_2_tri[i][18] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 10, 11, 12); sh_2_tri[i][19] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 13, 14, 16); sh_2_tri[i][20] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 13, 15, 17); sh_2_tri[i][21] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 14, 15, 18); sh_2_tri[i][22] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 16, 17, 18); sh_2_tri[i][23] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 19, 20, 22); sh_2_tri[i][24] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 19, 21, 23); sh_2_tri[i][25] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 20, 21, 24); sh_2_tri[i][26] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 22, 23, 24); sh_2_tri[i][27] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 25, 26, 28); sh_2_tri[i][28] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 25, 27, 29); sh_2_tri[i][29] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 26, 27, 30); sh_2_tri[i][30] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 28, 29, 30); sh_2_tri[i][31] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 31, 32, 34, 1); sh_2_tri[i][32] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 31, 33, 35, 1); sh_2_tri[i][33] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 32, 33, 36, 1); sh_2_tri[i][34] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 34, 35, 36, 1); sh_2_tri[i][35] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 37, 38, 40, 2); sh_2_tri[i][36] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 37, 39, 41, 2); sh_2_tri[i][37] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 38, 39, 42, 2); sh_2_tri[i][38] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 40, 41, 42, 2); sh_2_tri[i][39] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 43, 44, 46, 3); sh_2_tri[i][40] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 43, 45, 47, 3); sh_2_tri[i][41] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 44, 45, 48, 3); sh_2_tri[i][42] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 46, 47, 48, 3); sh_2_tri[i][43] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 49, 50, 52, 4); sh_2_tri[i][44] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 49, 51, 53, 4); sh_2_tri[i][45] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 50, 51, 54, 4); sh_2_tri[i][46] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 52, 53, 54, 4); sh_2_tri[i][47] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 55, 56, 58, 5); sh_2_tri[i][48] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 55, 57, 59, 5); sh_2_tri[i][49] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 56, 57, 60, 5); sh_2_tri[i][50] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 58, 59, 60, 5); sh_2_tri[i][51] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 61, 64, 67, 1); sh_2_tri[i][52] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 62, 65, 70, 1); sh_2_tri[i][53] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 63, 68, 71, 1); sh_2_tri[i][54] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 66, 69, 72, 1, 1); sh_2_tri[i][55] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 61, 62, 63, 1, 1); sh_2_tri[i][56] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 64, 65, 66, 1, 1); sh_2_tri[i][57] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 67, 68, 69, 1, 1); sh_2_tri[i][58] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 70, 71, 72, 1, 1); sh_2_tri[i][59] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 73, 76, 79, 2, 1); sh_2_tri[i][60] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 74, 77, 82, 2, 1); sh_2_tri[i][61] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 75, 80, 83, 2, 1); sh_2_tri[i][62] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 78, 81, 84, 2, 1); sh_2_tri[i][63] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 73, 74, 75, 2, 1); sh_2_tri[i][64] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 76, 77, 78, 2, 1); sh_2_tri[i][65] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 79, 80, 81, 2, 1); sh_2_tri[i][66] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 82, 83, 84, 2, 1); sh_2_tri[i][67] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 85, 88, 91, 3, 1); sh_2_tri[i][68] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 86, 89, 94, 3, 1); sh_2_tri[i][69] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 87, 92, 95, 3, 1); sh_2_tri[i][70] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 90, 93, 96, 3, 1); sh_2_tri[i][71] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 85, 86, 87, 3, 1); sh_2_tri[i][72] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 88, 89, 90, 3, 1); sh_2_tri[i][73] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 91, 92, 93, 3, 1); sh_2_tri[i][74] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 94, 95, 96, 3, 1); sh_2_tri[i][75] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 97, 100, 103, 4, 1); sh_2_tri[i][76] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 98, 101, 106, 4, 1); sh_2_tri[i][77] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 99, 104, 107, 4, 1); sh_2_tri[i][78] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 102, 105, 108, 4, 1); sh_2_tri[i][79] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 97, 98, 99, 4, 1); sh_2_tri[i][80] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 100, 101, 102, 4, 1); sh_2_tri[i][81] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 103, 104, 105, 4, 1); sh_2_tri[i][82] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 106, 107, 108, 4, 1); sh_2_tri[i][83] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 109, 112, 115, 5, 1); sh_2_tri[i][84] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 110, 113, 118, 5, 1); sh_2_tri[i][85] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 111, 116, 119, 5, 1); sh_2_tri[i][86] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 114, 117, 120, 5, 1); sh_2_tri[i][87] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 109, 110, 111, 5, 1); sh_2_tri[i][88] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 112, 113, 114, 5, 1); sh_2_tri[i][89] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 115, 116, 117, 5, 1); sh_2_tri[i][90] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 118, 119, 120, 5, 1); sh_2_tri[i][91] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 121, 122, 123); sh_2_tri[i][92] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 124, 125, 126); sh_2_tri[i][93] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 127, 128, 129); sh_2_tri[i][94] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 130, 131, 132); sh_2_tri[i][95] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 133, 134, 135); sh_2_tri[i][96] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 136, 137, 138); sh_2_tri[i][97] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 139, 140, 141); sh_2_tri[i][98] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 142, 143, 144); sh_2_tri[i][99] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 145, 146, 147); sh_2_tri[i][100] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 148, 149, 150); sh_2_tri[i][101] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 151, 152, 153); sh_2_tri[i][102] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 154, 155, 156); sh_2_tri[i][103] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 157, 158, 159); sh_2_tri[i][104] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 160, 161, 162); sh_2_tri[i][105] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 163, 164, 165); sh_2_tri[i][106] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 166, 167, 168); sh_2_tri[i][107] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 169, 170, 171); sh_2_tri[i][108] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 172, 173, 174); sh_2_tri[i][109] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 175, 176, 177); sh_2_tri[i][110] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 178, 179, 180); sh_2_tri[i][111] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 181, 182, 183); sh_2_tri[i][112] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 184, 185, 186); sh_2_tri[i][113] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 187, 188, 189); sh_2_tri[i][114] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 190, 191, 192); sh_2_tri[i][115] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 193, 194, 195); sh_2_tri[i][116] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 196, 197, 198); sh_2_tri[i][117] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 199, 200, 201); sh_2_tri[i][118] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 202, 203, 204); sh_2_tri[i][119] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 205, 206, 207); sh_2_tri[i][120] = new Triangle(1, 2, i, 208, 209, 210); sh_3_tri[i][1] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 13, 7, 1); sh_3_tri[i][2] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 19, 8, 2); sh_3_tri[i][3] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 25, 9, 3); sh_3_tri[i][4] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 20, 14, 4); sh_3_tri[i][5] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 26, 15, 5); sh_3_tri[i][6] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 27, 21, 6); sh_3_tri[i][7] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 22, 16, 10); sh_3_tri[i][8] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 28, 17, 11); sh_3_tri[i][9] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 29, 23, 12); sh_3_tri[i][10] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 30, 24, 18); sh_3_tri[i][11] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 4, 2, 1); sh_3_tri[i][12] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 5, 3, 1); sh_3_tri[i][13] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 6, 3, 2); sh_3_tri[i][14] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 6, 5, 4); sh_3_tri[i][15] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 10, 8, 7); sh_3_tri[i][16] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 11, 9, 7); sh_3_tri[i][17] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 12, 9, 8); sh_3_tri[i][18] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 12, 11, 10); sh_3_tri[i][19] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 16, 14, 13); sh_3_tri[i][20] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 17, 15, 13); sh_3_tri[i][21] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 18, 15, 14); sh_3_tri[i][22] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 18, 17, 16); sh_3_tri[i][23] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 22, 20, 19); sh_3_tri[i][24] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 23, 21, 19); sh_3_tri[i][25] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 24, 21, 20); sh_3_tri[i][26] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 24, 23, 22); sh_3_tri[i][27] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 28, 26, 25); sh_3_tri[i][28] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 29, 27, 25); sh_3_tri[i][29] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 30, 27, 26); sh_3_tri[i][30] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 30, 29, 28); sh_3_tri[i][31] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 34, 32, 31, 1); sh_3_tri[i][32] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 35, 33, 31, 1); sh_3_tri[i][33] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 36, 33, 32, 1); sh_3_tri[i][34] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 36, 35, 34, 1); sh_3_tri[i][35] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 40, 38, 37, 2); sh_3_tri[i][36] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 41, 39, 37, 2); sh_3_tri[i][37] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 42, 39, 38, 2); sh_3_tri[i][38] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 42, 41, 40, 2); sh_3_tri[i][39] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 46, 44, 43, 3); sh_3_tri[i][40] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 47, 45, 43, 3); sh_3_tri[i][41] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 48, 45, 44, 3); sh_3_tri[i][42] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 48, 47, 46, 3); sh_3_tri[i][43] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 52, 50, 49, 4); sh_3_tri[i][44] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 53, 51, 49, 4); sh_3_tri[i][45] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 54, 51, 50, 4); sh_3_tri[i][46] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 54, 53, 52, 4); sh_3_tri[i][47] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 58, 56, 55, 5); sh_3_tri[i][48] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 59, 57, 55, 5); sh_3_tri[i][49] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 60, 57, 56, 5); sh_3_tri[i][50] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 60, 59, 58, 5); sh_3_tri[i][51] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 67, 64, 61, 1, 1); sh_3_tri[i][52] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 70, 65, 62, 1, 1); sh_3_tri[i][53] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 71, 68, 63, 1, 1); sh_3_tri[i][54] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 72, 69, 66, 1, 1); sh_3_tri[i][55] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 63, 62, 61, 1, 1); sh_3_tri[i][56] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 66, 65, 64, 1, 1); sh_3_tri[i][57] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 69, 68, 67, 1, 1); sh_3_tri[i][58] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 72, 71, 70, 1, 1); sh_3_tri[i][59] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 79, 76, 73, 2, 1); sh_3_tri[i][60] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 82, 77, 74, 2, 1); sh_3_tri[i][61] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 83, 80, 75, 2, 1); sh_3_tri[i][62] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 84, 81, 78, 2, 1); sh_3_tri[i][63] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 75, 74, 73, 2, 1); sh_3_tri[i][64] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 78, 77, 76, 2, 1); sh_3_tri[i][65] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 81, 80, 79, 2, 1); sh_3_tri[i][66] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 84, 83, 82, 2, 1); sh_3_tri[i][67] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 91, 88, 85, 3, 1); sh_3_tri[i][68] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 94, 89, 86, 3, 1); sh_3_tri[i][69] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 95, 92, 87, 3, 1); sh_3_tri[i][70] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 96, 93, 90, 3, 1); sh_3_tri[i][71] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 87, 86, 85, 3, 1); sh_3_tri[i][72] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 90, 89, 88, 3, 1); sh_3_tri[i][73] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 93, 92, 91, 3, 1); sh_3_tri[i][74] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 96, 95, 94, 3, 1); sh_3_tri[i][75] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 103, 100, 97, 4, 1); sh_3_tri[i][76] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 106, 101, 98, 4, 1); sh_3_tri[i][77] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 107, 104, 99, 4, 1); sh_3_tri[i][78] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 108, 105, 102, 4, 1); sh_3_tri[i][79] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 99, 98, 97, 4, 1); sh_3_tri[i][80] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 102, 101, 100, 4, 1); sh_3_tri[i][81] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 105, 104, 103, 4, 1); sh_3_tri[i][82] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 108, 107, 106, 4, 1); sh_3_tri[i][83] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 115, 112, 109, 5, 1); sh_3_tri[i][84] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 118, 113, 110, 5, 1); sh_3_tri[i][85] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 119, 116, 111, 5, 1); sh_3_tri[i][86] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 120, 117, 114, 5, 1); sh_3_tri[i][87] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 111, 110, 109, 5, 1); sh_3_tri[i][88] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 114, 113, 112, 5, 1); sh_3_tri[i][89] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 117, 116, 115, 5, 1); sh_3_tri[i][90] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 120, 119, 118, 5, 1); sh_3_tri[i][91] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 123, 122, 121); sh_3_tri[i][92] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 126, 125, 124); sh_3_tri[i][93] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 129, 128, 127); sh_3_tri[i][94] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 132, 131, 130); sh_3_tri[i][95] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 135, 134, 133); sh_3_tri[i][96] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 138, 137, 136); sh_3_tri[i][97] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 141, 140, 139); sh_3_tri[i][98] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 144, 143, 142); sh_3_tri[i][99] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 147, 146, 145); sh_3_tri[i][100] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 150, 149, 148); sh_3_tri[i][101] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 153, 152, 151); sh_3_tri[i][102] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 156, 155, 154); sh_3_tri[i][103] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 159, 158, 157); sh_3_tri[i][104] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 162, 161, 160); sh_3_tri[i][105] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 165, 164, 163); sh_3_tri[i][106] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 168, 167, 166); sh_3_tri[i][107] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 171, 170, 169); sh_3_tri[i][108] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 174, 173, 172); sh_3_tri[i][109] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 177, 176, 175); sh_3_tri[i][110] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 180, 179, 178); sh_3_tri[i][111] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 183, 182, 181); sh_3_tri[i][112] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 186, 185, 184); sh_3_tri[i][113] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 189, 188, 187); sh_3_tri[i][114] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 192, 191, 190); sh_3_tri[i][115] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 195, 194, 193); sh_3_tri[i][116] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 198, 197, 196); sh_3_tri[i][117] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 201, 200, 199); sh_3_tri[i][118] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 204, 203, 202); sh_3_tri[i][119] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 207, 206, 205); sh_3_tri[i][120] = new Triangle(1, 3, i, 210, 209, 208); sh_4_tri[i][1] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 1, 2, 5); sh_4_tri[i][2] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 1, 3, 6); sh_4_tri[i][3] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 1, 4, 7); sh_4_tri[i][4] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 2, 3, 8); sh_4_tri[i][5] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 2, 4, 9); sh_4_tri[i][6] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 3, 4, 10); sh_4_tri[i][7] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 5, 6, 8); sh_4_tri[i][8] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 5, 7, 9); sh_4_tri[i][9] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 6, 7, 10); sh_4_tri[i][10] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 8, 9, 10); sh_4_tri[i][11] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 11, 12, 14, 1); sh_4_tri[i][12] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 11, 13, 15, 1); sh_4_tri[i][13] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 12, 13, 16, 1); sh_4_tri[i][14] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 14, 15, 16, 1); sh_4_tri[i][15] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 17, 18, 20, 2); sh_4_tri[i][16] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 17, 19, 21, 2); sh_4_tri[i][17] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 18, 19, 22, 2); sh_4_tri[i][18] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 20, 21, 22, 2); sh_4_tri[i][19] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 23, 24, 26, 3); sh_4_tri[i][20] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 23, 25, 27, 3); sh_4_tri[i][21] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 24, 25, 28, 3); sh_4_tri[i][22] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 26, 27, 28, 3); sh_4_tri[i][23] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 29, 30, 32, 4); sh_4_tri[i][24] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 29, 31, 33, 4); sh_4_tri[i][25] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 30, 31, 34, 4); sh_4_tri[i][26] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 32, 33, 34, 4); sh_4_tri[i][27] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 35, 36, 38, 5); sh_4_tri[i][28] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 35, 37, 39, 5); sh_4_tri[i][29] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 36, 37, 40, 5); sh_4_tri[i][30] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 38, 39, 40, 5); sh_4_tri[i][31] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 41, 42, 43); sh_4_tri[i][32] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 44, 45, 46); sh_4_tri[i][33] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 47, 48, 49); sh_4_tri[i][34] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 50, 51, 52); sh_4_tri[i][35] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 53, 54, 55); sh_4_tri[i][36] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 56, 57, 58); sh_4_tri[i][37] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 59, 60, 61); sh_4_tri[i][38] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 62, 63, 64); sh_4_tri[i][39] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 65, 66, 67); sh_4_tri[i][40] = new Triangle(1, 4, i, 68, 69, 70); list_1[i][1] = new List(); list_1[i][1].add(sh_1_tri[i][1]); list_1[i][1].add(sh_1_tri[i][11]); list_1[i][1].add(sh_1_tri[i][15]); list_1[i][1].add(sh_1_tri[i][31]); list_1[i][2] = new List(); list_1[i][2].add(sh_1_tri[i][2]); list_1[i][2].add(sh_1_tri[i][12]); list_1[i][2].add(sh_1_tri[i][19]); list_1[i][2].add(sh_1_tri[i][32]); list_1[i][3] = new List(); list_1[i][3].add(sh_1_tri[i][3]); list_1[i][3].add(sh_1_tri[i][16]); list_1[i][3].add(sh_1_tri[i][20]); list_1[i][3].add(sh_1_tri[i][33]); list_1[i][4] = new List(); list_1[i][4].add(sh_1_tri[i][4]); list_1[i][4].add(sh_1_tri[i][13]); list_1[i][4].add(sh_1_tri[i][23]); list_1[i][4].add(sh_1_tri[i][34]); list_1[i][5] = new List(); list_1[i][5].add(sh_1_tri[i][5]); list_1[i][5].add(sh_1_tri[i][17]); list_1[i][5].add(sh_1_tri[i][24]); list_1[i][5].add(sh_1_tri[i][35]); list_1[i][6] = new List(); list_1[i][6].add(sh_1_tri[i][6]); list_1[i][6].add(sh_1_tri[i][21]); list_1[i][6].add(sh_1_tri[i][25]); list_1[i][6].add(sh_1_tri[i][36]); list_1[i][7] = new List(); list_1[i][7].add(sh_1_tri[i][7]); list_1[i][7].add(sh_1_tri[i][14]); list_1[i][7].add(sh_1_tri[i][27]); list_1[i][7].add(sh_1_tri[i][37]); list_1[i][8] = new List(); list_1[i][8].add(sh_1_tri[i][8]); list_1[i][8].add(sh_1_tri[i][18]); list_1[i][8].add(sh_1_tri[i][28]); list_1[i][8].add(sh_1_tri[i][38]); list_1[i][9] = new List(); list_1[i][9].add(sh_1_tri[i][9]); list_1[i][9].add(sh_1_tri[i][22]); list_1[i][9].add(sh_1_tri[i][29]); list_1[i][9].add(sh_1_tri[i][39]); list_1[i][10] = new List(); list_1[i][10].add(sh_1_tri[i][10]); list_1[i][10].add(sh_1_tri[i][26]); list_1[i][10].add(sh_1_tri[i][30]); list_1[i][10].add(sh_1_tri[i][40]); list_2[i][1] = new List(); list_2[i][1].add(sh_2_tri[i][1]); list_2[i][1].add(sh_2_tri[i][51]); list_2[i][1].add(sh_2_tri[i][59]); list_2[i][1].add(sh_2_tri[i][91]); list_2[i][2] = new List(); list_2[i][2].add(sh_2_tri[i][2]); list_2[i][2].add(sh_2_tri[i][52]); list_2[i][2].add(sh_2_tri[i][67]); list_2[i][2].add(sh_2_tri[i][92]); list_2[i][3] = new List(); list_2[i][3].add(sh_2_tri[i][3]); list_2[i][3].add(sh_2_tri[i][60]); list_2[i][3].add(sh_2_tri[i][68]); list_2[i][3].add(sh_2_tri[i][93]); list_2[i][4] = new List(); list_2[i][4].add(sh_2_tri[i][4]); list_2[i][4].add(sh_2_tri[i][53]); list_2[i][4].add(sh_2_tri[i][75]); list_2[i][4].add(sh_2_tri[i][94]); list_2[i][5] = new List(); list_2[i][5].add(sh_2_tri[i][5]); list_2[i][5].add(sh_2_tri[i][61]); list_2[i][5].add(sh_2_tri[i][76]); list_2[i][5].add(sh_2_tri[i][95]); list_2[i][6] = new List(); list_2[i][6].add(sh_2_tri[i][6]); list_2[i][6].add(sh_2_tri[i][69]); list_2[i][6].add(sh_2_tri[i][77]); list_2[i][6].add(sh_2_tri[i][96]); list_2[i][7] = new List(); list_2[i][7].add(sh_2_tri[i][7]); list_2[i][7].add(sh_2_tri[i][54]); list_2[i][7].add(sh_2_tri[i][83]); list_2[i][7].add(sh_2_tri[i][97]); list_2[i][8] = new List(); list_2[i][8].add(sh_2_tri[i][8]); list_2[i][8].add(sh_2_tri[i][62]); list_2[i][8].add(sh_2_tri[i][84]); list_2[i][8].add(sh_2_tri[i][98]); list_2[i][9] = new List(); list_2[i][9].add(sh_2_tri[i][9]); list_2[i][9].add(sh_2_tri[i][70]); list_2[i][9].add(sh_2_tri[i][85]); list_2[i][9].add(sh_2_tri[i][99]); list_2[i][10] = new List(); list_2[i][10].add(sh_2_tri[i][10]); list_2[i][10].add(sh_2_tri[i][78]); list_2[i][10].add(sh_2_tri[i][86]); list_2[i][10].add(sh_2_tri[i][100]); list_2[i][11] = new List(); list_2[i][11].add(sh_2_tri[i][11]); list_2[i][11].add(sh_2_tri[i][31]); list_2[i][11].add(sh_2_tri[i][55]); list_2[i][11].add(sh_2_tri[i][101]); list_2[i][12] = new List(); list_2[i][12].add(sh_2_tri[i][12]); list_2[i][12].add(sh_2_tri[i][32]); list_2[i][12].add(sh_2_tri[i][63]); list_2[i][12].add(sh_2_tri[i][102]); list_2[i][13] = new List(); list_2[i][13].add(sh_2_tri[i][13]); list_2[i][13].add(sh_2_tri[i][33]); list_2[i][13].add(sh_2_tri[i][71]); list_2[i][13].add(sh_2_tri[i][103]); list_2[i][14] = new List(); list_2[i][14].add(sh_2_tri[i][14]); list_2[i][14].add(sh_2_tri[i][34]); list_2[i][14].add(sh_2_tri[i][79]); list_2[i][14].add(sh_2_tri[i][104]); list_2[i][15] = new List(); list_2[i][15].add(sh_2_tri[i][15]); list_2[i][15].add(sh_2_tri[i][35]); list_2[i][15].add(sh_2_tri[i][56]); list_2[i][15].add(sh_2_tri[i][105]); list_2[i][16] = new List(); list_2[i][16].add(sh_2_tri[i][16]); list_2[i][16].add(sh_2_tri[i][36]); list_2[i][16].add(sh_2_tri[i][64]); list_2[i][16].add(sh_2_tri[i][106]); list_2[i][17] = new List(); list_2[i][17].add(sh_2_tri[i][17]); list_2[i][17].add(sh_2_tri[i][37]); list_2[i][17].add(sh_2_tri[i][72]); list_2[i][17].add(sh_2_tri[i][107]); list_2[i][18] = new List(); list_2[i][18].add(sh_2_tri[i][18]); list_2[i][18].add(sh_2_tri[i][38]); list_2[i][18].add(sh_2_tri[i][87]); list_2[i][18].add(sh_2_tri[i][108]); list_2[i][19] = new List(); list_2[i][19].add(sh_2_tri[i][19]); list_2[i][19].add(sh_2_tri[i][39]); list_2[i][19].add(sh_2_tri[i][57]); list_2[i][19].add(sh_2_tri[i][109]); list_2[i][20] = new List(); list_2[i][20].add(sh_2_tri[i][20]); list_2[i][20].add(sh_2_tri[i][40]); list_2[i][20].add(sh_2_tri[i][65]); list_2[i][20].add(sh_2_tri[i][110]); list_2[i][21] = new List(); list_2[i][21].add(sh_2_tri[i][21]); list_2[i][21].add(sh_2_tri[i][41]); list_2[i][21].add(sh_2_tri[i][80]); list_2[i][21].add(sh_2_tri[i][111]); list_2[i][22] = new List(); list_2[i][22].add(sh_2_tri[i][22]); list_2[i][22].add(sh_2_tri[i][42]); list_2[i][22].add(sh_2_tri[i][88]); list_2[i][22].add(sh_2_tri[i][112]); list_2[i][23] = new List(); list_2[i][23].add(sh_2_tri[i][23]); list_2[i][23].add(sh_2_tri[i][43]); list_2[i][23].add(sh_2_tri[i][58]); list_2[i][23].add(sh_2_tri[i][113]); list_2[i][24] = new List(); list_2[i][24].add(sh_2_tri[i][24]); list_2[i][24].add(sh_2_tri[i][44]); list_2[i][24].add(sh_2_tri[i][73]); list_2[i][24].add(sh_2_tri[i][114]); list_2[i][25] = new List(); list_2[i][25].add(sh_2_tri[i][25]); list_2[i][25].add(sh_2_tri[i][45]); list_2[i][25].add(sh_2_tri[i][81]); list_2[i][25].add(sh_2_tri[i][115]); list_2[i][26] = new List(); list_2[i][26].add(sh_2_tri[i][26]); list_2[i][26].add(sh_2_tri[i][46]); list_2[i][26].add(sh_2_tri[i][89]); list_2[i][26].add(sh_2_tri[i][116]); list_2[i][27] = new List(); list_2[i][27].add(sh_2_tri[i][27]); list_2[i][27].add(sh_2_tri[i][47]); list_2[i][27].add(sh_2_tri[i][66]); list_2[i][27].add(sh_2_tri[i][117]); list_2[i][28] = new List(); list_2[i][28].add(sh_2_tri[i][28]); list_2[i][28].add(sh_2_tri[i][48]); list_2[i][28].add(sh_2_tri[i][74]); list_2[i][28].add(sh_2_tri[i][118]); list_2[i][29] = new List(); list_2[i][29].add(sh_2_tri[i][29]); list_2[i][29].add(sh_2_tri[i][49]); list_2[i][29].add(sh_2_tri[i][82]); list_2[i][29].add(sh_2_tri[i][119]); list_2[i][30] = new List(); list_2[i][30].add(sh_2_tri[i][30]); list_2[i][30].add(sh_2_tri[i][50]); list_2[i][30].add(sh_2_tri[i][90]); list_2[i][30].add(sh_2_tri[i][120]); list_3[i][1] = new List(); list_3[i][1].add(sh_3_tri[i][1]); list_3[i][1].add(sh_3_tri[i][51]); list_3[i][1].add(sh_3_tri[i][59]); list_3[i][1].add(sh_3_tri[i][91]); list_3[i][2] = new List(); list_3[i][2].add(sh_3_tri[i][2]); list_3[i][2].add(sh_3_tri[i][52]); list_3[i][2].add(sh_3_tri[i][67]); list_3[i][2].add(sh_3_tri[i][92]); list_3[i][3] = new List(); list_3[i][3].add(sh_3_tri[i][3]); list_3[i][3].add(sh_3_tri[i][60]); list_3[i][3].add(sh_3_tri[i][68]); list_3[i][3].add(sh_3_tri[i][93]); list_3[i][4] = new List(); list_3[i][4].add(sh_3_tri[i][4]); list_3[i][4].add(sh_3_tri[i][53]); list_3[i][4].add(sh_3_tri[i][75]); list_3[i][4].add(sh_3_tri[i][94]); list_3[i][5] = new List(); list_3[i][5].add(sh_3_tri[i][5]); list_3[i][5].add(sh_3_tri[i][61]); list_3[i][5].add(sh_3_tri[i][76]); list_3[i][5].add(sh_3_tri[i][95]); list_3[i][6] = new List(); list_3[i][6].add(sh_3_tri[i][6]); list_3[i][6].add(sh_3_tri[i][69]); list_3[i][6].add(sh_3_tri[i][77]); list_3[i][6].add(sh_3_tri[i][96]); list_3[i][7] = new List(); list_3[i][7].add(sh_3_tri[i][7]); list_3[i][7].add(sh_3_tri[i][54]); list_3[i][7].add(sh_3_tri[i][83]); list_3[i][7].add(sh_3_tri[i][97]); list_3[i][8] = new List(); list_3[i][8].add(sh_3_tri[i][8]); list_3[i][8].add(sh_3_tri[i][62]); list_3[i][8].add(sh_3_tri[i][84]); list_3[i][8].add(sh_3_tri[i][98]); list_3[i][9] = new List(); list_3[i][9].add(sh_3_tri[i][9]); list_3[i][9].add(sh_3_tri[i][70]); list_3[i][9].add(sh_3_tri[i][85]); list_3[i][9].add(sh_3_tri[i][99]); list_3[i][10] = new List(); list_3[i][10].add(sh_3_tri[i][10]); list_3[i][10].add(sh_3_tri[i][78]); list_3[i][10].add(sh_3_tri[i][86]); list_3[i][10].add(sh_3_tri[i][100]); list_3[i][11] = new List(); list_3[i][11].add(sh_3_tri[i][11]); list_3[i][11].add(sh_3_tri[i][31]); list_3[i][11].add(sh_3_tri[i][55]); list_3[i][11].add(sh_3_tri[i][101]); list_3[i][12] = new List(); list_3[i][12].add(sh_3_tri[i][12]); list_3[i][12].add(sh_3_tri[i][32]); list_3[i][12].add(sh_3_tri[i][63]); list_3[i][12].add(sh_3_tri[i][102]); list_3[i][13] = new List(); list_3[i][13].add(sh_3_tri[i][13]); list_3[i][13].add(sh_3_tri[i][33]); list_3[i][13].add(sh_3_tri[i][71]); list_3[i][13].add(sh_3_tri[i][103]); list_3[i][14] = new List(); list_3[i][14].add(sh_3_tri[i][14]); list_3[i][14].add(sh_3_tri[i][34]); list_3[i][14].add(sh_3_tri[i][79]); list_3[i][14].add(sh_3_tri[i][104]); list_3[i][15] = new List(); list_3[i][15].add(sh_3_tri[i][15]); list_3[i][15].add(sh_3_tri[i][35]); list_3[i][15].add(sh_3_tri[i][56]); list_3[i][15].add(sh_3_tri[i][105]); list_3[i][16] = new List(); list_3[i][16].add(sh_3_tri[i][16]); list_3[i][16].add(sh_3_tri[i][36]); list_3[i][16].add(sh_3_tri[i][64]); list_3[i][16].add(sh_3_tri[i][106]); list_3[i][17] = new List(); list_3[i][17].add(sh_3_tri[i][17]); list_3[i][17].add(sh_3_tri[i][37]); list_3[i][17].add(sh_3_tri[i][72]); list_3[i][17].add(sh_3_tri[i][107]); list_3[i][18] = new List(); list_3[i][18].add(sh_3_tri[i][18]); list_3[i][18].add(sh_3_tri[i][38]); list_3[i][18].add(sh_3_tri[i][87]); list_3[i][18].add(sh_3_tri[i][108]); list_3[i][19] = new List(); list_3[i][19].add(sh_3_tri[i][19]); list_3[i][19].add(sh_3_tri[i][39]); list_3[i][19].add(sh_3_tri[i][57]); list_3[i][19].add(sh_3_tri[i][109]); list_3[i][20] = new List(); list_3[i][20].add(sh_3_tri[i][20]); list_3[i][20].add(sh_3_tri[i][40]); list_3[i][20].add(sh_3_tri[i][65]); list_3[i][20].add(sh_3_tri[i][110]); list_3[i][21] = new List(); list_3[i][21].add(sh_3_tri[i][21]); list_3[i][21].add(sh_3_tri[i][41]); list_3[i][21].add(sh_3_tri[i][80]); list_3[i][21].add(sh_3_tri[i][111]); list_3[i][22] = new List(); list_3[i][22].add(sh_3_tri[i][22]); list_3[i][22].add(sh_3_tri[i][42]); list_3[i][22].add(sh_3_tri[i][88]); list_3[i][22].add(sh_3_tri[i][112]); list_3[i][23] = new List(); list_3[i][23].add(sh_3_tri[i][23]); list_3[i][23].add(sh_3_tri[i][43]); list_3[i][23].add(sh_3_tri[i][58]); list_3[i][23].add(sh_3_tri[i][113]); list_3[i][24] = new List(); list_3[i][24].add(sh_3_tri[i][24]); list_3[i][24].add(sh_3_tri[i][44]); list_3[i][24].add(sh_3_tri[i][73]); list_3[i][24].add(sh_3_tri[i][114]); list_3[i][25] = new List(); list_3[i][25].add(sh_3_tri[i][25]); list_3[i][25].add(sh_3_tri[i][45]); list_3[i][25].add(sh_3_tri[i][81]); list_3[i][25].add(sh_3_tri[i][115]); list_3[i][26] = new List(); list_3[i][26].add(sh_3_tri[i][26]); list_3[i][26].add(sh_3_tri[i][46]); list_3[i][26].add(sh_3_tri[i][89]); list_3[i][26].add(sh_3_tri[i][116]); list_3[i][27] = new List(); list_3[i][27].add(sh_3_tri[i][27]); list_3[i][27].add(sh_3_tri[i][47]); list_3[i][27].add(sh_3_tri[i][66]); list_3[i][27].add(sh_3_tri[i][117]); list_3[i][28] = new List(); list_3[i][28].add(sh_3_tri[i][28]); list_3[i][28].add(sh_3_tri[i][48]); list_3[i][28].add(sh_3_tri[i][74]); list_3[i][28].add(sh_3_tri[i][118]); list_3[i][29] = new List(); list_3[i][29].add(sh_3_tri[i][29]); list_3[i][29].add(sh_3_tri[i][49]); list_3[i][29].add(sh_3_tri[i][82]); list_3[i][29].add(sh_3_tri[i][119]); list_3[i][30] = new List(); list_3[i][30].add(sh_3_tri[i][30]); list_3[i][30].add(sh_3_tri[i][50]); list_3[i][30].add(sh_3_tri[i][90]); list_3[i][30].add(sh_3_tri[i][120]); list_4[i][1] = new List(); list_4[i][1].add(sh_4_tri[i][1]); list_4[i][1].add(sh_4_tri[i][11]); list_4[i][1].add(sh_4_tri[i][15]); list_4[i][1].add(sh_4_tri[i][31]); list_4[i][2] = new List(); list_4[i][2].add(sh_4_tri[i][2]); list_4[i][2].add(sh_4_tri[i][12]); list_4[i][2].add(sh_4_tri[i][19]); list_4[i][2].add(sh_4_tri[i][32]); list_4[i][3] = new List(); list_4[i][3].add(sh_4_tri[i][3]); list_4[i][3].add(sh_4_tri[i][16]); list_4[i][3].add(sh_4_tri[i][20]); list_4[i][3].add(sh_4_tri[i][33]); list_4[i][4] = new List(); list_4[i][4].add(sh_4_tri[i][4]); list_4[i][4].add(sh_4_tri[i][13]); list_4[i][4].add(sh_4_tri[i][23]); list_4[i][4].add(sh_4_tri[i][34]); list_4[i][5] = new List(); list_4[i][5].add(sh_4_tri[i][5]); list_4[i][5].add(sh_4_tri[i][17]); list_4[i][5].add(sh_4_tri[i][24]); list_4[i][5].add(sh_4_tri[i][35]); list_4[i][6] = new List(); list_4[i][6].add(sh_4_tri[i][6]); list_4[i][6].add(sh_4_tri[i][21]); list_4[i][6].add(sh_4_tri[i][25]); list_4[i][6].add(sh_4_tri[i][36]); list_4[i][7] = new List(); list_4[i][7].add(sh_4_tri[i][7]); list_4[i][7].add(sh_4_tri[i][14]); list_4[i][7].add(sh_4_tri[i][27]); list_4[i][7].add(sh_4_tri[i][37]); list_4[i][8] = new List(); list_4[i][8].add(sh_4_tri[i][8]); list_4[i][8].add(sh_4_tri[i][18]); list_4[i][8].add(sh_4_tri[i][28]); list_4[i][8].add(sh_4_tri[i][38]); list_4[i][9] = new List(); list_4[i][9].add(sh_4_tri[i][9]); list_4[i][9].add(sh_4_tri[i][22]); list_4[i][9].add(sh_4_tri[i][29]); list_4[i][9].add(sh_4_tri[i][39]); list_4[i][10] = new List(); list_4[i][10].add(sh_4_tri[i][10]); list_4[i][10].add(sh_4_tri[i][26]); list_4[i][10].add(sh_4_tri[i][30]); list_4[i][10].add(sh_4_tri[i][40]); d1_tet[i][1] = new Tet(1, i, 11); d1_tet[i][2] = new Tet(1, i, 17); d1_tet[i][3] = new Tet(1, i, 23); d1_tet[i][4] = new Tet(1, i, 29); d1_tet[i][5] = new Tet(1, i, 35); d2_tet[i][1] = new Tet(2, i, 31); d2_tet[i][2] = new Tet(2, i, 37); d2_tet[i][3] = new Tet(2, i, 43); d2_tet[i][4] = new Tet(2, i, 49); d2_tet[i][5] = new Tet(2, i, 55); d2_oct[i][1] = new Oct(2, i, 61); d2_oct[i][2] = new Oct(2, i, 73); d2_oct[i][3] = new Oct(2, i, 85); d2_oct[i][4] = new Oct(2, i, 97); d2_oct[i][5] = new Oct(2, i, 109); d3_tet[i][1] = new Tet(3, i, 31); d3_tet[i][2] = new Tet(3, i, 37); d3_tet[i][3] = new Tet(3, i, 43); d3_tet[i][4] = new Tet(3, i, 49); d3_tet[i][5] = new Tet(3, i, 55); d3_oct[i][1] = new Oct(3, i, 61); d3_oct[i][2] = new Oct(3, i, 73); d3_oct[i][3] = new Oct(3, i, 85); d3_oct[i][4] = new Oct(3, i, 97); d3_oct[i][5] = new Oct(3, i, 109); d4_tet[i][1] = new Tet(4, i, 11); d4_tet[i][2] = new Tet(4, i, 17); d4_tet[i][3] = new Tet(4, i, 23); d4_tet[i][4] = new Tet(4, i, 29); d4_tet[i][5] = new Tet(4, i, 35); sub[i][1] = new SubSpace(d1_tet[i][1], d2_oct[i][1], d3_tet[i][5]); sub[i][2] = new SubSpace(d1_tet[i][2], d2_oct[i][2], d3_tet[i][4]); sub[i][3] = new SubSpace(d1_tet[i][3], d2_oct[i][3], d3_tet[i][3]); sub[i][4] = new SubSpace(d1_tet[i][4], d2_oct[i][4], d3_tet[i][2]); sub[i][5] = new SubSpace(d1_tet[i][5], d2_oct[i][5], d3_tet[i][1]); sub[i][6] = new SubSpace(d4_tet[i][5], d3_oct[i][5], d2_tet[i][1]); sub[i][7] = new SubSpace(d4_tet[i][4], d3_oct[i][4], d2_tet[i][2]); sub[i][8] = new SubSpace(d4_tet[i][3], d3_oct[i][3], d2_tet[i][3]); sub[i][9] = new SubSpace(d4_tet[i][2], d3_oct[i][2], d2_tet[i][4]); sub[i][10] = new SubSpace(d4_tet[i][1], d3_oct[i][1], d2_tet[i][5]); // sub[i][1] = new SubSpace(d1_tet[i][1], d2_oct[i][1], d3_tet[i][5]); // sub[i][2] = new SubSpace(d1_tet[i][2], d2_oct[i][2], d3_tet[i][4]); // sub[i][3] = new SubSpace(d1_tet[i][3], d2_oct[i][3], d3_tet[i][3]); // sub[i][4] = new SubSpace(d1_tet[i][4], d2_oct[i][4], d3_tet[i][2]); // sub[i][5] = new SubSpace(d1_tet[i][5], d2_oct[i][5], d3_tet[i][1]); // // sub[i][6] = new SubSpace(d2_tet[i][1], d3_oct[i][5], d4_tet[i][5]); // sub[i][7] = new SubSpace(d2_tet[i][2], d3_oct[i][4], d4_tet[i][4]); // sub[i][8] = new SubSpace(d2_tet[i][3], d3_oct[i][3], d4_tet[i][3]); // sub[i][9] = new SubSpace(d2_tet[i][4], d3_oct[i][2], d4_tet[i][2]); // sub[i][10] = new SubSpace(d2_tet[i][5], d3_oct[i][1], d4_tet[i][1]); } } public static void sToSharp() { if(copy_s_four) { for(int j = strataFirst; j < strataLast; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { sh_1[j][i] = s_1[j][i]; sh_4[j][i] = s_4[j][i]; } } for(int j = strataFirst; j < strataLast; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < 31; i++) { sh_2[j][i] = s_2[j][i]; sh_3[j][i] = s_3[j][i]; } } } for(int j = strataFirst; j < strataLast; j++) { for(int i = 1; i < 11; i++) { int a = list_1[j][i].get(0).getA(); int b = list_1[j][i].get(0).getB(); int c = list_1[j][i].get(0).getC(); list_1[j][i].get(1).setA(a); list_1[j][i].get(1).setB(b); list_1[j][i].get(1).setC(c); list_1[j][i].get(2).setA(a); list_1[j][i].get(2).setB(b); list_1[j][i].get(2).setC(c); if(a + b + c != 3) { list_1[j][i].get(3).setA(a); list_1[j][i].get(3).setB(b); list_1[j][i].get(3).setC(c); } a = list_4[j][i].get(0).getA(); b = list_4[j][i].get(0).getB(); c = list_4[j][i].get(0).getC(); list_4[j][i].get(1).setA(a); list_4[j][i].get(1).setB(b); list_4[j][i].get(1).setC(c); list_4[j][i].get(2).setA(a); list_4[j][i].get(2).setB(b); list_4[j][i].get(2).setC(c); if(a + b + c != 3) { list_4[j][i].get(3).setA(a); list_4[j][i].get(3).setB(b); list_4[j][i].get(3).setC(c); } } for(int i = 1; i < 31; i++) { int a = list_2[j][i].get(0).getA(); int b = list_2[j][i].get(0).getB(); int c = list_2[j][i].get(0).getC(); list_2[j][i].get(1).setA(a); list_2[j][i].get(1).setB(b); list_2[j][i].get(1).setC(c); list_2[j][i].get(2).setA(a); list_2[j][i].get(2).setB(b); list_2[j][i].get(2).setC(c); if(a + b + c != 3) { list_2[j][i].get(3).setA(a); list_2[j][i].get(3).setB(b); list_2[j][i].get(3).setC(c); } a = list_3[j][i].get(0).getA(); b = list_3[j][i].get(0).getB(); c = list_3[j][i].get(0).getC(); list_3[j][i].get(1).setA(a); list_3[j][i].get(1).setB(b); list_3[j][i].get(1).setC(c); list_3[j][i].get(2).setA(a); list_3[j][i].get(2).setB(b); list_3[j][i].get(2).setC(c); if(a + b + c != 3) { list_3[j][i].get(3).setA(a); list_3[j][i].get(3).setB(b); list_3[j][i].get(3).setC(c); } } if(tetSides(j, 1, 11) == 6) remakeTet(j, 1, 11); if(tetSides(j, 1, 17) == 6) remakeTet(j, 1, 17); if(tetSides(j, 1, 23) == 6) remakeTet(j, 1, 23); if(tetSides(j, 1, 29) == 6) remakeTet(j, 1, 29); if(tetSides(j, 1, 35) == 6) remakeTet(j, 1, 35); if(tetSides(j, 4, 11) == 6) remakeTet(j, 4, 11); if(tetSides(j, 4, 17) == 6) remakeTet(j, 4, 17); if(tetSides(j, 4, 23) == 6) remakeTet(j, 4, 23); if(tetSides(j, 4, 29) == 6) remakeTet(j, 4, 29); if(tetSides(j, 4, 35) == 6) remakeTet(j, 4, 35); if(tetSides(j, 2, 31) == 6) remakeTet(j, 2, 31); if(tetSides(j, 2, 37) == 6) remakeTet(j, 2, 37); if(tetSides(j, 2, 43) == 6) remakeTet(j, 2, 43); if(tetSides(j, 2, 49) == 6) remakeTet(j, 2, 49); if(tetSides(j, 2, 55) == 6) remakeTet(j, 2, 55); if(tetSides(j, 3, 31) == 6) remakeTet(j, 3, 31); if(tetSides(j, 3, 37) == 6) remakeTet(j, 3, 37); if(tetSides(j, 3, 43) == 6) remakeTet(j, 3, 43); if(tetSides(j, 3, 49) == 6) remakeTet(j, 3, 49); if(tetSides(j, 3, 55) == 6) remakeTet(j, 3, 55); if(octSides(j, 2, 61) == 12) remakeOct(j, 2, 61); if(octSides(j, 2, 73) == 12) remakeOct(j, 2, 73); if(octSides(j, 2, 85) == 12) remakeOct(j, 2, 85); if(octSides(j, 2, 97) == 12) remakeOct(j, 2, 97); if(octSides(j, 2, 109) == 12) remakeOct(j, 2, 109); if(octSides(j, 3, 61) == 12) remakeOct(j, 3, 61); if(octSides(j, 3, 73) == 12) remakeOct(j, 3, 73); if(octSides(j, 3, 85) == 12) remakeOct(j, 3, 85); if(octSides(j, 3, 97) == 12) remakeOct(j, 3, 97); if(octSides(j, 3, 109) == 12) remakeOct(j, 3, 109); } } public static void remakeTet(int num, int d, int first) { if(d == 1) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sh_1[num][first + i] = 0; } } if(d == 2) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sh_2[num][first + i] = 0; } } if(d == 3) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sh_3[num][first + i] = 0; } } if(d == 4) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sh_4[num][first + i] = 0; } } } public static int tetSides(int num, int d, int first) { int collapsedSides = 0; if(d == 1) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { collapsedSides = collapsedSides + sh_1[num][first + i]; } } if(d == 2) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { collapsedSides = collapsedSides + sh_2[num][first + i]; } } if(d == 3) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { collapsedSides = collapsedSides + sh_3[num][first + i]; } } if(d == 4) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { collapsedSides = collapsedSides + sh_4[num][first + i]; } } return collapsedSides; } public static void remakeOct(int num, int d, int first) { if(d == 2) { for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { sh_2[num][first + i] = 0; } } if(d == 3) { for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { sh_3[num][first + i] = 0; } } } public static int octSides(int num, int d, int first) { int collapsedSides = 0; if(d == 2) { for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { collapsedSides = collapsedSides + sh_2[num][first + i]; } } if(d == 3) { for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { collapsedSides = collapsedSides + sh_3[num][first + i]; } } return collapsedSides; } public static void subSpaceAnalysis(int i) { int numWorks; int rightSub; boolean works; for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { numWorks = 0; rightSub = -1; int subSpaceCompleteHolder = SubSpaceComplete[i][j]; for(int k = 0; k < numSubs; k++) { works = true; for(int m = 1; m < 7; m++) { if(subs_tetOne[k][m] == 0 && sub[i][j].getTetOne().get(m) == 1) works = false; if(subs_tetTwo[k][m] == 0 && sub[i][j].getTetTwo().get(m) == 1) works = false; } for(int m = 1; m < 13; m++) { if(subs_oct[k][m] == 0 && sub[i][j].getOct().get(m) == 1) works = false; } if(works) { rightSub = k; numWorks++; } } if(subTrace) System.out.println(j + " " + numWorks); if(numWorks == 1) { for(int m = 1; m < 7; m++) { sub[i][j].getTetOne().set(m, subs_tetOne[rightSub][m]); sub[i][j].getTetTwo().set(m, subs_tetTwo[rightSub][m]); } for(int m = 1; m < 13; m++) { sub[i][j].getOct().set(m, subs_oct[rightSub][m]); } SubSpaceComplete[i][j] = 1; if(subSpaceCompleteHolder != SubSpaceComplete[i][j]) globalChanged = true; } } if(subTrace) outputTwo(); } public static boolean shToShCmpTwo(List a, List b, int firstStart, int firstFinish, int secondStart, int secondFinish) { boolean toReturn = false; for(int i = firstStart; i < firstFinish; i++) { for(int j = secondStart; j < secondFinish; j++) { if(sToShCmpTwo(a.get(i), b.get(j))) toReturn = true; } } return toReturn; } public static void sharpListCmpTwo(SharpList a, SharpList b, int firstStart, int firstFinish, int secondStart, int secondFinish) { for(int i = firstStart; i < firstFinish; i++) { for(int j = secondStart; j < secondFinish; j++) { sharpCmpTwo(a.get(i), b.get(j)); } } } public static void sharpListCmp(SharpList a, SharpList b, int firstStart, int firstFinish, int secondStart, int secondFinish) { for(int i = firstStart; i < firstFinish; i++) { for(int j = secondStart; j < secondFinish; j++) { sharpCmp(a.get(i), b.get(j)); } } } public static boolean sToShCmp(Triangle a, Triangle b) { a.refresh(); b.refresh(); if(a.totalSides() != 1) return false; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() != 0) // { // int sides; // int first = -1; // int delta = a.getdelta(); // int num = a.getnum(); // // if(a.isOct()) // { // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 1) first = 61; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 2) first = 73; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 3) first = 85; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 4) first = 97; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 5) first = 109; // // sides = octSides(num, delta, first); // // if(sides < 6) return false; // } // // else if(delta == 2 || delta == 3) // { // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 1) first = 31; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 2) first = 37; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 3) first = 43; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 4) first = 49; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 5) first = 55; // // sides = tetSides(num, delta, first); // // if(sides < 2) return false; // } // // else // { // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 1) first = 11; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 2) first = 17; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 3) first = 23; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 4) first = 29; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 5) first = 35; // // sides = tetSides(num, delta, first); // // if(sides < 2) return false; // } // } int aInit = b.getA(); int bInit = b.getB(); int cInit = b.getC(); int sOrSh = b.getsOrSh(); int num = b.getnum(); int delta = b.getdelta(); if(a.getA() == 1) b.setA(1); if(a.getB() == 1) b.setB(1); if(a.getC() == 1) b.setC(1); int bNum = b.getnum(); int bDelta = b.getdelta(); if(aInit != b.getA() || bInit != b.getB() || cInit != b.getC()) { if(trace) { System.out.println(a.getsOrSh() + " " + a.getdelta() + " " + b.getsOrSh() + " " + b.getdelta()); System.out.println(a.getATest() + " " + a.getBTest() + " " + a.getCTest() + " " + b.getATest() + " " + b.getBTest() + " " + b.getCTest()); System.out.println(a.getA() + " " + a.getB() + " " + a.getC() + " " + aInit + " " + bInit + " " + cInit); System.out.println(a.getA() + " " + a.getB() + " " + a.getC() + " " + b.getA() + " " + b.getB() + " " + b.getC()); System.out.println(); } if(aInit != b.getA()) checkTri(bNum, bDelta, b.getATest()); else if(bInit != b.getB()) checkTri(bNum, bDelta, b.getBTest()); else if(cInit != b.getC()) checkTri(bNum, bDelta, b.getCTest()); return true; } else return false; } public static void sharpCmp(SharpTriangle a, SharpTriangle b) { a.refresh(); b.refresh(); if(a.totalSides() != 1) return; int aInit = b.getA(); int bInit = b.getB(); int cInit = b.getC(); int delta = b.getdelta(); if(a.getA() == 1) b.setA(1); if(a.getB() == 1) b.setB(1); if(a.getC() == 1) b.setC(1); int bDelta = b.getdelta(); // System.out.println(a.getdelta() + " " + b.getdelta()); // // System.out.println(a.getATest() + " " + a.getBTest() + " " + a.getCTest() + " " + b.getATest() + " " + b.getBTest() + " " + b.getCTest()); // System.out.println(a.getA() + " " + a.getB() + " " + a.getC() + " " + aInit + " " + bInit + " " + cInit); // System.out.println(a.getA() + " " + a.getB() + " " + a.getC() + " " + b.getA() + " " + b.getB() + " " + b.getC()); // // System.out.println(); if(aInit != b.getA() || bInit != b.getB() || cInit != b.getC()) { if(aInit != b.getA()) sharpCheckTri(b, bDelta, b.getATest()); else if(bInit != b.getB()) sharpCheckTri(b, bDelta, b.getBTest()); else if(cInit != b.getC()) sharpCheckTri(b, bDelta, b.getCTest()); } } public static boolean sToShCmpTwo(Triangle a, Triangle b) { a.refresh(); b.refresh(); if(a.totalSides() != 1) return false; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() != 0) // { // int sides; // int first = -1; // int delta = a.getdelta(); // int num = a.getnum(); // // if(a.isOct()) // { // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 1) first = 61; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 2) first = 73; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 3) first = 85; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 4) first = 97; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 5) first = 109; // // sides = octSides(num, delta, first); // // if(sides < 6) return false; // } // // else if(delta == 2 || delta == 3) // { // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 1) first = 31; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 2) first = 37; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 3) first = 43; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 4) first = 49; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 5) first = 55; // // sides = tetSides(num, delta, first); // // if(sides < 2) return false; // } // // else // { // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 1) first = 11; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 2) first = 17; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 3) first = 23; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 4) first = 29; // if(a.getThreeDimFig() == 5) first = 35; // // sides = tetSides(num, delta, first); // // if(sides < 2) return false; // } // } int aInit = b.getA(); int bInit = b.getB(); int cInit = b.getC(); if(a.getA() == 1) b.setC(1); if(a.getB() == 1) b.setB(1); if(a.getC() == 1) b.setA(1); int bNum = b.getnum(); int bDelta = b.getdelta(); if(aInit != b.getA() || bInit != b.getB() || cInit != b.getC()) { if(trace) { System.out.println(a.getsOrSh() + " " + a.getdelta() + " " + b.getsOrSh() + " " + b.getdelta()); System.out.println(a.getATest() + " " + a.getBTest() + " " + a.getCTest() + " " + b.getCTest() + " " + b.getBTest() + " " + b.getATest()); System.out.println(a.getA() + " " + a.getB() + " " + a.getC() + " " + cInit + " " + bInit + " " + aInit); System.out.println(a.getA() + " " + a.getB() + " " + a.getC() + " " + b.getC() + " " + b.getB() + " " + b.getA()); System.out.println(); } if(aInit != b.getA()) checkTri(bNum, bDelta, b.getATest()); else if(bInit != b.getB()) checkTri(bNum, bDelta, b.getBTest()); else if(cInit != b.getC()) checkTri(bNum, bDelta, b.getCTest()); return true; } else return false; } public static void sharpCmpTwo(SharpTriangle a, SharpTriangle b) { a.refresh(); b.refresh(); if(a.totalSides() != 1) return; int aInit = b.getA(); int bInit = b.getB(); int cInit = b.getC(); if(a.getA() == 1) b.setC(1); if(a.getB() == 1) b.setB(1); if(a.getC() == 1) b.setA(1); int bDelta = b.getdelta(); if(aInit != b.getA() || bInit != b.getB() || cInit != b.getC()) { if(aInit != b.getA()) sharpCheckTri(b, bDelta, b.getATest()); else if(bInit != b.getB()) sharpCheckTri(b, bDelta, b.getBTest()); else if(cInit != b.getC()) sharpCheckTri(b, bDelta, b.getCTest()); } } public static void checkTri(int num, int delta, int edge) { if(delta == 1) { for(int i = 1; i < 41; i++) { if(sh_1_tri[num][i].getATest() == edge || sh_1_tri[num][i].getBTest() == edge || sh_1_tri[num][i].getCTest() == edge) { sh_1_tri[num][i].thirdSide(); } } } if(delta == 4) { for(int i = 1; i < 41; i++) { if(sh_4_tri[num][i].getATest() == edge || sh_4_tri[num][i].getBTest() == edge || sh_4_tri[num][i].getCTest() == edge) sh_4_tri[num][i].thirdSide(); } } if(delta == 2) { for(int i = 1; i < 121; i++) { if(sh_2_tri[num][i].getATest() == edge || sh_2_tri[num][i].getBTest() == edge || sh_2_tri[num][i].getCTest() == edge) sh_2_tri[num][i].thirdSide(); } } if(delta == 3) { for(int i = 1; i < 121; i++) { if(sh_3_tri[num][i].getATest() == edge || sh_3_tri[num][i].getBTest() == edge || sh_3_tri[num][i].getCTest() == edge) { sh_3_tri[num][i].thirdSide(); } } } } public static void sharpCheckTri(SharpTriangle tri, int delta, int edge) { if(delta == 1) { for(int i = 1; i < 41; i++) { if(tri.getSharp().tri_1[i].getATest() == edge || tri.getSharp().tri_1[i].getBTest() == edge || tri.getSharp().tri_1[i].getCTest() == edge) { tri.getSharp().tri_1[i].thirdSide(); } } } if(delta == 4) { for(int i = 1; i < 41; i++) { if(tri.getSharp().tri_4[i].getATest() == edge || tri.getSharp().tri_4[i].getBTest() == edge || tri.getSharp().tri_4[i].getCTest() == edge) tri.getSharp().tri_4[i].thirdSide(); } } if(delta == 3) { for(int i = 1; i < 121; i++) { if(tri.getSharp().tri_3[i].getATest() == edge || tri.getSharp().tri_3[i].getBTest() == edge || tri.getSharp().tri_3[i].getCTest() == edge) tri.getSharp().tri_3[i].thirdSide(); } } if(delta == 2) { for(int i = 1; i < 121; i++) { if(tri.getSharp().tri_2[i].getATest() == edge || tri.getSharp().tri_2[i].getBTest() == edge || tri.getSharp().tri_2[i].getCTest() == edge) { tri.getSharp().tri_2[i].thirdSide(); } } } } public static void triangleComparisonsDimensionTwo(int i) { for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { shToShCmp(list_1[i][j], list_1[i][j], 0, 4, 3, 4); shToShCmp(list_4[i][j], list_4[i][j], 0, 4, 3, 4); shToShCmp(list_1[i][j], list_2[i][j], 0, 4, 3, 4); shToShCmp(list_3[i][j], list_4[i][j], 0, 4, 3, 4); shToShCmp(list_2[i][j], list_1[i][j], 0, 4, 3, 4); shToShCmp(list_4[i][j], list_3[i][j], 0, 4, 3, 4); } for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) { shToShCmp(list_2[i][j], list_2[i][j], 0, 4, 3, 4); shToShCmp(list_3[i][j], list_3[i][j], 0, 4, 3, 4); } } public static void triangleComparisons(int i) { for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { if(shToShCmp(list_1[i][j], list_1[i][j], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmp(list_4[i][j], list_4[i][j], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmp(list_1[i][j], list_2[i][j], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmp(list_3[i][j], list_4[i][j], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmp(list_2[i][j], list_1[i][j], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmp(list_4[i][j], list_3[i][j], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; } for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) { if(shToShCmp(list_2[i][j], list_2[i][j], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmp(list_3[i][j], list_3[i][j], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; } boolean changed; if(twoToThree) { if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][11], list_2[i][30], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][12], list_2[i][26], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][13], list_2[i][22], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][14], list_2[i][18], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][15], list_2[i][29], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][16], list_2[i][25], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][17], list_2[i][21], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][18], list_2[i][14], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][19], list_2[i][28], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][20], list_2[i][24], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][21], list_2[i][17], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][22], list_2[i][13], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][23], list_2[i][27], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][24], list_2[i][20], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][25], list_2[i][16], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][26], list_2[i][12], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][27], list_2[i][23], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][28], list_2[i][19], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][29], list_2[i][15], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][30], list_2[i][11], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][11], list_3[i][30], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][12], list_3[i][26], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][13], list_3[i][22], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][14], list_3[i][18], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][15], list_3[i][29], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][16], list_3[i][25], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][17], list_3[i][21], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][18], list_3[i][14], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][19], list_3[i][28], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][20], list_3[i][24], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][21], list_3[i][17], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][22], list_3[i][13], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][23], list_3[i][27], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][24], list_3[i][20], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][25], list_3[i][16], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][26], list_3[i][12], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][27], list_3[i][23], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][28], list_3[i][19], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][29], list_3[i][15], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][30], list_3[i][11], 0, 1, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(twoToThreeSecond) { if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][11], list_2[i][30], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][12], list_2[i][26], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][13], list_2[i][22], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][14], list_2[i][18], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][15], list_2[i][29], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][16], list_2[i][25], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][17], list_2[i][21], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][18], list_2[i][14], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][19], list_2[i][28], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][20], list_2[i][24], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][21], list_2[i][17], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][22], list_2[i][13], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][23], list_2[i][27], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][24], list_2[i][20], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][25], list_2[i][16], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][26], list_2[i][12], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][27], list_2[i][23], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][28], list_2[i][19], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][29], list_2[i][15], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_3[i][30], list_2[i][11], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][11], list_3[i][30], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][12], list_3[i][26], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][13], list_3[i][22], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][14], list_3[i][18], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][15], list_3[i][29], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][16], list_3[i][25], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][17], list_3[i][21], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][18], list_3[i][14], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][19], list_3[i][28], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][20], list_3[i][24], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][21], list_3[i][17], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][22], list_3[i][13], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][23], list_3[i][27], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][24], list_3[i][20], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][25], list_3[i][16], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][26], list_3[i][12], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][27], list_3[i][23], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][28], list_3[i][19], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][29], list_3[i][15], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; if(shToShCmpTwo(list_2[i][30], list_3[i][11], 0, 4, 1, 4)) globalChanged = true; } } } public static void brancher(Sharp sharp, int ts) { boolean keepGoing = true; if(recursionTrace) System.out.println(ts); if(recursionTrace) printSharp(sharp); // sharpTriangleComparisons(sharp); // if(sharpOverCollapsed(sharp)) keepGoing = false; if(ts > 10) { // sharpTriangleComparisons(sharp); if(sharpOverCollapsed(sharp) == false) { hasGoodSharps[sharp.number] = true; // sharpStack[sharp.number].addItem(sharp); sharpCount[sharp.number]++; // sharps[sharp.number][sharpCount[sharp.number]] = sharp; if(!outputTen) System.out.print((sharp.number + 1) + " : "); if(!outputTen) printSharp(sharp); } keepGoing = false; } if(keepGoing) sharpSubSpaceAnalysis(sharp, ts); } public static boolean sharpOverCollapsed(Sharp sharp) { boolean toReturn = false; for(int i = 31; i < 41; i++) { if(sharp.tri_1[i].totalSides() > 1 ) toReturn = true; if(sharp.tri_4[i].totalSides() > 1 ) toReturn = true; } for(int i = 91; i < 121; i++) { if(sharp.tri_2[i].totalSides() > 1 ) toReturn = true; if(sharp.tri_3[i].totalSides() > 1 ) toReturn = true; } for(int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { if(sharp.d1_tet[i].totalSides() > 3 ) toReturn = true; if(sharp.d2_tet[i].totalSides() > 3 ) toReturn = true; if(sharp.d3_tet[i].totalSides() > 3 ) toReturn = true; if(sharp.d4_tet[i].totalSides() > 3 ) toReturn = true; if(sharp.d2_oct[i].totalSides() > 8 ) toReturn = true; if(sharp.d3_oct[i].totalSides() > 8 ) toReturn = true; } return toReturn; } public static boolean sharpCompletelyCollapsed(Sharp sharp) { boolean toReturn = true; for(int i = 31; i < 41; i++) { if(sharp.tri_1[i].totalSides() < 1 ) toReturn = false; if(sharp.tri_4[i].totalSides() < 1 ) toReturn = false; } for(int i = 91; i < 121; i++) { if(sharp.tri_2[i].totalSides() < 1 ) toReturn = false; if(sharp.tri_3[i].totalSides() < 1 ) toReturn = false; } return toReturn; } public static void sharpTriangleComparisons(Sharp sharp) { for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { sharpListCmp(sharp.sharpList_1[j], sharp.sharpList_1[j], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmp(sharp.sharpList_4[j], sharp.sharpList_4[j], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmp(sharp.sharpList_1[j], sharp.sharpList_2[j], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmp(sharp.sharpList_3[j], sharp.sharpList_4[j], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmp(sharp.sharpList_2[j], sharp.sharpList_1[j], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmp(sharp.sharpList_4[j], sharp.sharpList_3[j], 0, 4, 1, 4); } for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) { sharpListCmp(sharp.sharpList_2[j], sharp.sharpList_2[j], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmp(sharp.sharpList_3[j], sharp.sharpList_3[j], 0, 4, 1, 4); } sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[11], sharp.sharpList_2[30], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[12], sharp.sharpList_2[26], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[13], sharp.sharpList_2[22], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[14], sharp.sharpList_2[18], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[15], sharp.sharpList_2[29], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[16], sharp.sharpList_2[25], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[17], sharp.sharpList_2[21], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[18], sharp.sharpList_2[14], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[19], sharp.sharpList_2[28], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[20], sharp.sharpList_2[24], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[21], sharp.sharpList_2[17], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[22], sharp.sharpList_2[13], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[23], sharp.sharpList_2[27], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[24], sharp.sharpList_2[20], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[25], sharp.sharpList_2[16], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[26], sharp.sharpList_2[12], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[27], sharp.sharpList_2[23], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[28], sharp.sharpList_2[19], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[29], sharp.sharpList_2[15], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_3[30], sharp.sharpList_2[11], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[11], sharp.sharpList_3[30], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[12], sharp.sharpList_3[26], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[13], sharp.sharpList_3[22], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[14], sharp.sharpList_3[18], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[15], sharp.sharpList_3[29], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[16], sharp.sharpList_3[25], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[17], sharp.sharpList_3[21], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[18], sharp.sharpList_3[14], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[19], sharp.sharpList_3[28], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[20], sharp.sharpList_3[24], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[21], sharp.sharpList_3[17], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[22], sharp.sharpList_3[13], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[23], sharp.sharpList_3[27], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[24], sharp.sharpList_3[20], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[25], sharp.sharpList_3[16], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[26], sharp.sharpList_3[12], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[27], sharp.sharpList_3[23], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[28], sharp.sharpList_3[19], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[29], sharp.sharpList_3[15], 0, 4, 1, 4); sharpListCmpTwo(sharp.sharpList_2[30], sharp.sharpList_3[11], 0, 4, 1, 4); } public static void sharpSubSpaceAnalysis(Sharp sharp, int ts) { boolean works; if(recursionTrace) System.out.println("here's SSA sharp:"); if(recursionTrace) printSharp(sharp); for(int k = 0; k < numSubs; k++) { works = true; for(int m = 1; m < 7; m++) { if(subs_tetOne[k][m] == 0 && sharp.sharpSub[ts].getTetOne().get(m) == 1) works = false; if(subs_tetTwo[k][m] == 0 && sharp.sharpSub[ts].getTetTwo().get(m) == 1) works = false; } for(int m = 1; m < 13; m++) { if(subs_oct[k][m] == 0 && sharp.sharpSub[ts].getOct().get(m) == 1) works = false; } if(works) { Sharp newSharp = new Sharp(sharp.d_1, sharp.d_2, sharp.d_3, sharp.d_4, sharp.number); for(int m = 1; m < 7; m++) { newSharp.sharpSub[ts].getTetOne().set(m, subs_tetOne[k][m]); newSharp.sharpSub[ts].getTetTwo().set(m, subs_tetTwo[k][m]); } for(int m = 1; m < 13; m++) { newSharp.sharpSub[ts].getOct().set(m, subs_oct[k][m]); } brancher(newSharp, (ts + 1)); } } // if(recursionTrace) System.out.println(ts + " " + numWorks); // // for(int i = 0; i < numWorks; i++) // { // if(recursionTrace) System.out.println("something worked"); // // Sharp newSharp = new Sharp(sharp.d_1, sharp.d_2, sharp.d_3, sharp.d_4, sharp.number); // // for(int m = 1; m < 7; m++) // { // newSharp.sharpSub[ts].getTetOne().set(m, subs_tetOne[workers[i]][m]); // newSharp.sharpSub[ts].getTetTwo().set(m, subs_tetTwo[workers[i]][m]); // } // // for(int m = 1; m < 13; m++) // { // newSharp.sharpSub[ts].getOct().set(m, subs_oct[workers[i]][m]); // } // // brancher(newSharp, (ts + 1)); // } } public static boolean remake(int j) { boolean remade = false; if(tetSides(j, 1, 11) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 1, 17) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 1, 23) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 1, 29) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 1, 35) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 4, 11) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 4, 17) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 4, 23) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 4, 29) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 4, 35) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 2, 31) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 2, 37) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 2, 43) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 2, 49) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 2, 55) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 3, 31) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 3, 37) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 3, 43) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 3, 49) == 6) remade = true; if(tetSides(j, 3, 55) == 6) remade = true; if(octSides(j, 2, 61) == 12) remade = true; if(octSides(j, 2, 73) == 12) remade = true; if(octSides(j, 2, 85) == 12) remade = true; if(octSides(j, 2, 97) == 12) remade = true; if(octSides(j, 2, 109) == 12) remade = true; if(remade) { if(tetSides(j, 1, 11) == 6) remakeTet(j, 1, 11); if(tetSides(j, 1, 17) == 6) remakeTet(j, 1, 17); if(tetSides(j, 1, 23) == 6) remakeTet(j, 1, 23); if(tetSides(j, 1, 29) == 6) remakeTet(j, 1, 29); if(tetSides(j, 1, 35) == 6) remakeTet(j, 1, 35); if(tetSides(j, 4, 11) == 6) remakeTet(j, 4, 11); if(tetSides(j, 4, 17) == 6) remakeTet(j, 4, 17); if(tetSides(j, 4, 23) == 6) remakeTet(j, 4, 23); if(tetSides(j, 4, 29) == 6) remakeTet(j, 4, 29); if(tetSides(j, 4, 35) == 6) remakeTet(j, 4, 35); if(tetSides(j, 2, 31) == 6) remakeTet(j, 2, 31); if(tetSides(j, 2, 37) == 6) remakeTet(j, 2, 37); if(tetSides(j, 2, 43) == 6) remakeTet(j, 2, 43); if(tetSides(j, 2, 49) == 6) remakeTet(j, 2, 49); if(tetSides(j, 2, 55) == 6) remakeTet(j, 2, 55); if(tetSides(j, 3, 31) == 6) remakeTet(j, 3, 31); if(tetSides(j, 3, 37) == 6) remakeTet(j, 3, 37); if(tetSides(j, 3, 43) == 6) remakeTet(j, 3, 43); if(tetSides(j, 3, 49) == 6) remakeTet(j, 3, 49); if(tetSides(j, 3, 55) == 6) remakeTet(j, 3, 55); if(octSides(j, 2, 61) == 12) remakeOct(j, 2, 61); if(octSides(j, 2, 73) == 12) remakeOct(j, 2, 73); if(octSides(j, 2, 85) == 12) remakeOct(j, 2, 85); if(octSides(j, 2, 97) == 12) remakeOct(j, 2, 97); if(octSides(j, 2, 109) == 12) remakeOct(j, 2, 109); } return remade; } public static boolean shToShCmp(List a, List b, int firstStart, int firstFinish, int secondStart, int secondFinish) { boolean toReturn = false; for(int i = firstStart; i < firstFinish; i++) { for(int j = secondStart; j < secondFinish; j++) { if(sToShCmp(a.get(i), b.get(j))) toReturn = true; } } return toReturn; } public static void outputForStacks(int i) { // System.out.println(i); // System.out.println(sharpStack[i].hasAny()); // if(sharpStack[i].hasAny() == false) System.out.println(i + " null"); if(sharpCount[i] == 0) System.out.println(i + " null"); // System.out.println(); // System.out.println(sharpStack[i].hasMore() + " = hasMore"); // System.out.println(sharpStack[i].currentSharp.isFirst()); // printSharp(sharpStack[i].getCurrent()); // sharpStack[i].nextItem(); // System.out.println(sharpStack[i].hasMore() + " = hasMore"); // System.out.println(sharpStack[i].currentSharp.isFirst()); // printSharp(sharpStack[i].getCurrent()); else { for(int j = 1; j < sharpCount[i] + 1; j++) { // boolean toBreak = sharpStack[i].currentSharp.isFirst(); System.out.print(i + " " + " " + j); printSharp(sharps[i][j]); // if(toBreak) break; // else sharpStack[i].nextItem(); } } } public static void printSharp(Sharp sharp) { for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_1[j] + " "); // s_1 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // s_2 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // s_3 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_4[j] + " "); // s_4 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_1[j] + " "); // sh_1 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_4[j] + " "); // sh_4 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 11; j < 17; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_1[j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 17; j < 23; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_1[j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 23; j < 29; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_1[j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 29; j < 35; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_1[j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 35; j < 41; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_1[j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 31; j < 37; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 0 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 37; j < 43; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 1 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 43; j < 49; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 2 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 49; j < 55; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 3 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 55; j < 61; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 4 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 61; j < 73; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 73; j < 85; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 85; j < 97; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 97; j < 109; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 109; j < 121; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 31; j < 37; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 0 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 37; j < 43; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 1 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 43; j < 49; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 2 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 49; j < 55; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 3 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 55; j < 61; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 4 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 61; j < 73; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 73; j < 85; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 85; j < 97; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 97; j < 109; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 109; j < 121; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 11; j < 17; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_4[j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 17; j < 23; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_4[j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 23; j < 29; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_4[j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 29; j < 35; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_4[j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 35; j < 41; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_4[j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) // sh_1 2d { for(int j = (41 + (3 * k)); j < (41 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_1[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) // sh_2 2d to sh_1 { for(int j = (121 + (3 * k)); j < (121 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } for(int j = 187; j < 190; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); // sh_2 2d to sh_3 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 199; j < 202; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 175; j < 178; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 202; j < 205; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 178; j < 181; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 190; j < 193; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 163; j < 166; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 205; j < 208; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 166; j < 169; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 193; j < 196; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 169; j < 172; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 181; j < 184; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 151; j < 154; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 208; j < 211; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 154; j < 157; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 196; j < 199; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 157; j < 160; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 184; j < 187; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 160; j < 163; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 172; j < 175; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_2[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) // sh_3 2d to sh_4 { for(int j = (121 + (3 * k)); j < (121 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } for(int j = 187; j < 190; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); // sh_3 2d to sh_2 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 199; j < 202; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 175; j < 178; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 202; j < 205; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 178; j < 181; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 190; j < 193; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 163; j < 166; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 205; j < 208; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 166; j < 169; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 193; j < 196; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 169; j < 172; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 181; j < 184; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 151; j < 154; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 208; j < 211; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 154; j < 157; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 196; j < 199; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 157; j < 160; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 184; j < 187; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 160; j < 163; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 172; j < 175; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_3[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) // sh_4 2d { for(int j = (41 + (3 * k)); j < (41 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sharp.d_4[j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } System.out.println(); } public static void output() { for(int i = strataFirst; i < strataLast; i++) { System.out.println(i); for(int j = 1; j < 71; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); System.out.println(); for(int j = 1; j < 211; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.println(); for(int j = 1; j < 211; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.println(); for(int j = 1; j < 71; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); System.out.println(); } } public static void printSub(int num) { for(int j = 1; j < 7; j++) System.out.print(subs_tetOne[num][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 13; j++) System.out.print(subs_oct[num][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 7; j++) System.out.print(subs_tetTwo[num][j] + " "); System.out.println(); } public static void printRealSub(int num, int subNum) { for(int j = 1; j < 7; j++) System.out.print(sub[num][subNum].getTetOne().get(j) + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 13; j++) System.out.print(sub[num][subNum].getOct().get(j) + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 7; j++) System.out.print(sub[num][subNum].getTetTwo().get(j) + " "); System.out.println(); } public static void outputTwo() { for(int i = strataFirst; i < strataLast; i++) { for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(s_1[i][j] + " "); // s_1 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(s_2[i][j] + " "); // s_2 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(s_3[i][j] + " "); // s_3 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(s_4[i][j] + " "); // s_4 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 11; j < 17; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 17; j < 23; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 23; j < 29; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 29; j < 35; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 35; j < 41; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 31; j < 37; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 0 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 37; j < 43; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 1 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 43; j < 49; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 2 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 49; j < 55; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 3 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 55; j < 61; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 4 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 61; j < 73; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 73; j < 85; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 85; j < 97; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 97; j < 109; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 109; j < 121; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 31; j < 37; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 0 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 37; j < 43; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 1 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 43; j < 49; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 2 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 49; j < 55; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 3 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 55; j < 61; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 4 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 61; j < 73; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 73; j < 85; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 85; j < 97; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 97; j < 109; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 109; j < 121; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 11; j < 17; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 17; j < 23; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 23; j < 29; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 29; j < 35; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 35; j < 41; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) // sh_1 2d { for(int j = (41 + (3 * k)); j < (41 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) // sh_2 2d to sh_1 { for(int j = (121 + (3 * k)); j < (121 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } for(int j = 187; j < 190; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 2d to sh_3 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 199; j < 202; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 175; j < 178; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 202; j < 205; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 178; j < 181; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 190; j < 193; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 163; j < 166; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 205; j < 208; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 166; j < 169; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 193; j < 196; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 169; j < 172; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 181; j < 184; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 151; j < 154; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 208; j < 211; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 154; j < 157; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 196; j < 199; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 157; j < 160; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 184; j < 187; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 160; j < 163; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 172; j < 175; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) // sh_3 2d to sh_4 { for(int j = (121 + (3 * k)); j < (121 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } for(int j = 187; j < 190; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 2d to sh_2 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 199; j < 202; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 175; j < 178; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 202; j < 205; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 178; j < 181; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 190; j < 193; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 163; j < 166; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 205; j < 208; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 166; j < 169; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 193; j < 196; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 169; j < 172; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 181; j < 184; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 151; j < 154; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 208; j < 211; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 154; j < 157; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 196; j < 199; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 157; j < 160; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 184; j < 187; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 160; j < 163; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 172; j < 175; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) // sh_4 2d { for(int j = (41 + (3 * k)); j < (41 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } System.out.println(); } } public static void outputTwoDivisors() { for(int i = strataFirst; i < strataLast; i++) { System.out.print(divisorTags[i] + " "); for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(s_1[i][j] + " "); // s_1 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(s_2[i][j] + " "); // s_2 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(s_3[i][j] + " "); // s_3 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(s_4[i][j] + " "); // s_4 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 4d System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 11; j < 17; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 17; j < 23; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 23; j < 29; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 29; j < 35; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 35; j < 41; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); // sh_1 3d 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 31; j < 37; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 0 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 37; j < 43; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 1 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 43; j < 49; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 2 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 49; j < 55; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 3 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 55; j < 61; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d tet 4 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 61; j < 73; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 73; j < 85; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 85; j < 97; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 97; j < 109; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 109; j < 121; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); // sh_2 3d oct 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 31; j < 37; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 0 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 37; j < 43; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 1 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 43; j < 49; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 2 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 49; j < 55; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 3 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 55; j < 61; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d tet 4 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 61; j < 73; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 73; j < 85; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 85; j < 97; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 97; j < 109; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 109; j < 121; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); // sh_3 3d oct 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 11; j < 17; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0123 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 17; j < 23; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0124 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 23; j < 29; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0134 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 29; j < 35; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 0234 System.out.print(": "); for(int j = 35; j < 41; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); // sh_4 3d 1234 System.out.print(": "); for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) // sh_1 2d { for(int j = (41 + (3 * k)); j < (41 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sh_1[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } for(int k = 0; k < 30; k++) // sh_2 2d { for(int j = (121 + (3 * k)); j < (121 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sh_2[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } for(int k = 0; k < 30; k++) // sh_3 2d { for(int j = (121 + (3 * k)); j < (121 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sh_3[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) // sh_4 2d { for(int j = (41 + (3 * k)); j < (41 + (3 * k)) + 3; j++) System.out.print(sh_4[i][j] + " "); System.out.print(": "); } System.out.println(); } } public static void outputThree() { collapsedStrataCount = 0; for(int i = strataFirst; i < strataLast; i++) { boolean goodStratum = true; for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { if(s_1[i][j] != sh_1[i][j]) goodStratum = false; if(s_4[i][j] != sh_4[i][j]) goodStratum = false; } for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) { if(s_2[i][j] != sh_2[i][j]) goodStratum = false; if(s_3[i][j] != sh_3[i][j]) goodStratum = false; } if(goodStratum) { collapsedStrata[collapsedStrataCount] = i; collapsedStrataCount++; } } System.out.println(collapsedStrataCount); for(int i = 0; i < collapsedStrataCount; i++) System.out.println(collapsedStrata[i]); } public static void outputFour() { for(int i = 0; i < number; i++) { int number = 0; for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { number = number + s_1[i][j]; } if(number == 4) { for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) System.out.print(s_1[i][j] + " "); System.out.println(); } } } public static void outputFive() { collapsedStrataCount = 0; for(int i = strataFirst; i < strataLast; i++) { boolean goodStratum = true; for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { if(s_1[i][j] == 0 && sh_1[i][j] == 1) goodStratum = false; if(s_4[i][j] == 0 && sh_4[i][j] == 1) goodStratum = false; } for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) { if(s_2[i][j] == 0 && sh_2[i][j] == 1) goodStratum = false; if(s_3[i][j] == 0 && sh_3[i][j] == 1) goodStratum = false; } if(goodStratum) { collapsedStrata[collapsedStrataCount] = i; collapsedStrataCount++; } } System.out.println(collapsedStrataCount); for(int i = 0; i < collapsedStrataCount; i++) System.out.println(collapsedStrata[i]); } public static void outputSeven() { collapsedStrataCount = 0; for(int j = strataFirst; j < strataLast; j++) { boolean goodStratum = true; if(tetSides(j, 1, 11) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 1, 17) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 1, 23) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 1, 29) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 1, 35) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 4, 11) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 4, 17) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 4, 23) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 4, 29) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 4, 35) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 2, 31) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 2, 37) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 2, 43) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 2, 49) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 2, 55) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 3, 31) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 3, 37) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 3, 43) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 3, 49) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(tetSides(j, 3, 55) < 2) goodStratum = false; if(octSides(j, 2, 61) < 6) goodStratum = false; if(octSides(j, 2, 73) < 6) goodStratum = false; if(octSides(j, 2, 85) < 6) goodStratum = false; if(octSides(j, 2, 97) < 6) goodStratum = false; if(octSides(j, 2, 109) < 6) goodStratum = false; if(octSides(j, 3, 61) < 6) goodStratum = false; if(octSides(j, 3, 73) < 6) goodStratum = false; if(octSides(j, 3, 85) < 6) goodStratum = false; if(octSides(j, 3, 97) < 6) goodStratum = false; if(octSides(j, 3, 109) < 6) goodStratum = false; if(goodStratum) { collapsedStrata[collapsedStrataCount] = j; collapsedStrataCount++; } } System.out.println(collapsedStrataCount); for(int i = 0; i < collapsedStrataCount; i++) System.out.println(collapsedStrata[i]); } public static void outputEight() { for(int i = strataFirst; i < strataLast; i++) { for(int j = 1; j < 71; j++) { System.out.print(sh_1[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 211; j++) { System.out.print(sh_2[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 211; j++) { System.out.print(sh_3[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 71; j++) { System.out.print(sh_4[i][j]); } System.out.println(":"); } } public static void outputEightSOnly() { for(int i = strataFirst; i < strataLast; i++) { for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { System.out.print(s_1[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) { System.out.print(s_2[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) { System.out.print(s_3[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { System.out.print(s_4[i][j]); } System.out.println(":"); } } public static void outputEightDivisors() { for(int i = strataFirst; i < strataLast; i++) { System.out.print(divisorTags[i]); System.out.print(divisorTagsNumber[i]); System.out.print (" "); for(int j = 1; j < 71; j++) { System.out.print(sh_1[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 211; j++) { System.out.print(sh_2[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 211; j++) { System.out.print(sh_3[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 71; j++) { System.out.print(sh_4[i][j]); } System.out.println(":"); } } public static void outputEightDivisorsSOnly() { for(int i = strataFirst; i < strataLast; i++) { System.out.print(divisorTags[i]); System.out.print(divisorTagsNumber[i]); System.out.print (" "); for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { System.out.print(s_1[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) { System.out.print(s_2[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 31; j++) { System.out.print(s_3[i][j]); } for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { System.out.print(s_4[i][j]); } System.out.println(":"); } } public static void outputNine() { int underCollapsedCount = 0; int overCollapsedCount = 0; for(int i = strataFirst; i < strataLast; i++) { boolean overCollapsedStrata = false; boolean underCollapsedStrata = false; for(int j = 31; j < 41; j++) { int triSides = sh_1_tri[i][j].totalSides(); if(triSides == 0) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(triSides == 3) overCollapsedStrata = true; triSides = sh_4_tri[i][j].totalSides(); if(triSides == 0) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(triSides == 3) overCollapsedStrata = true; } for(int j = 91; j < 121; j++) { int triSides = sh_2_tri[i][j].totalSides(); if(triSides == 0) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(triSides == 3) overCollapsedStrata = true; triSides = sh_3_tri[i][j].totalSides(); if(triSides == 0) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(triSides == 3) overCollapsedStrata = true; } if(tetSides(i, 1, 11) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 1, 17) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 1, 23) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 1, 29) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 1, 35) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 4, 11) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 4, 17) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 4, 23) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 4, 29) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 4, 35) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 2, 31) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 2, 37) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 2, 43) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 2, 49) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 2, 55) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 3, 31) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 3, 37) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 3, 43) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 3, 49) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 3, 55) == 6) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 2, 61) == 12) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 2, 73) == 12) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 2, 85) == 12) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 2, 97) == 12) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 2, 109) == 12) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 3, 61) == 12) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 3, 73) == 12) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 3, 85) == 12) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 3, 97) == 12) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 3, 109) == 12) overCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 1, 11) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 1, 17) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 1, 23) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 1, 29) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 1, 35) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 4, 11) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 4, 17) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 4, 23) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 4, 29) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 4, 35) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 2, 31) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 2, 37) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 2, 43) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 2, 49) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 2, 55) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 3, 31) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 3, 37) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 3, 43) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 3, 49) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(tetSides(i, 3, 55) < 2) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 2, 61) < 6) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 2, 73) < 6) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 2, 85) < 6) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 2, 97) < 6) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 2, 109) < 6) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 3, 61) < 6) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 3, 73) < 6) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 3, 85) < 6) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 3, 97) < 6) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(octSides(i, 3, 109) < 6) underCollapsedStrata = true; if(overCollapsedStrata) { overCollapsedCount++; System.out.println((i + 1) + " : Over Collapsed"); } else if(underCollapsedStrata) { underCollapsedCount++; System.out.println((i + 1) + " : Under Collapsed"); } else { System.out.println((i + 1) + " : Completely Collapsed"); } } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Total Over Collapsed Strata : " + overCollapsedCount); System.out.println("Total Under Collapsed Strata : " + underCollapsedCount); System.out.println("Total Completely Collapsed Strata : " + (268 - overCollapsedCount - underCollapsedCount)); } }
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