
C++ Code Documentation


Derived from: geom::surface0::SurfaceBase

Children: geom::surface0::Normal

File: GEOM/geom/surface0/Boundary.H

Boundary connectivity information. An element of an EdgeMap represents an edge and is of the form { (i,j), {f0,f1,...} }. (i,j) represents an edge, and F = {f0,f1,...} a list of faces adjacent to the edge. length(F) is normally either 1 (boundary edge) or 2 (interior edge). compute_line_boundary() Computes _boundary, indices into _vertex making up the surface boundary. Each pair of unsigned ints represents a line segment. Algorithm: call compute_edge(). Put all edges with count=1 into _boundary compute_adjacency_list() Computes _adjacency_list. _adjacency_list[i] is a list of the vertices adjacent to i compute_edge() Compute a list of edges and the faces they bound. compute an associative array of edges, together with a list of the faces of which they are edges algorithm: cycle through all the faces, making a hash of all edges every time an edge occurs in a face, increment a counter. note: this could possibly be done with a hash rather than a map, but a hash function wants a number-like key. Here a pair of ints is the key note: this could possibly be done with a set, by counting occurences of edges only mod 2. This would assume that each edge occurs in at most 2 faces compute_pushoff() computes _pushoff, a lookup table each edge vertices to an adjacent interior vertex. Used for mean/gaussian curvature If i is an interior point, _pushoff[i] is set to INTERIOR_POINT If i is a boundary point, _pushoff[i] is set to the index of an adjacent interior point (if one exists) If no adjacent interior point exists, _pusoff[i] is set to UNKNOWN _pushoff is for coloring edges by gaussian/mean curvature via adjacent interior points NOTE: Each boundary vertex occurs in two boundary edges, so this inefficiently computes pushoff's twice for each boundary vertex

  • Boundary();
  • Boundary( Boundary const & );
    copy constructor
  • virtual ~Boundary();
  • Boundary &operator=( Boundary const & );
    assignment operator
  • void clear();
  • typedef std::pair<uint, uint> uint_pair;
  • struct uint_pair_lt;
    comparison funtion for the _edge map
  • };
  • typedef std::map< uint_pair, base::vector<uint>, uint_pair_lt > EdgeMap;
  • uint edge_count() const;
  • EdgeMap const &edge() const;
  • void compute_boundary() const;
  • void boundary( std::list<std::list<uint_pair> > &b ) const;
    export the boundary
  • void compute_adjacency_list() const;
    adjacency list
  • std::slist<uint> const &adjacency_list(uint i) const;
  • void import_boundary_lines( std::list<std::list<uint> > const &corner );
  • Real glue( Boundary const *g, std::list<uint> const &boundaryset );
  • Real glue_self( std::list<uint> const &boundaryset1, std::list<uint> const &boundaryset2 );
  • static inline uint prev( uint i, uint n );
  • static inline uint next( uint i, uint n );
  • void compute_edge() const;
  • void compute_pushoff() const;
  • uint pushoff( uint i ) const;
  • EdgeMap const &edge();
  • uint third_vertex( uint vertex1, uint vertex2, uint face ) const;
  • void dump_edge( std::ostream &o ) const;
  • mutable EdgeMap _edge;
  • mutable std::list<std::list<uint_pair> > _boundary;
  • mutable base::vector<std::slist<uint> > _adjacency_list;
  • mutable base::vector<uint> _pushoff;

geom::surface0::Boundary GANG