Final exam - Math 671 - Topology - Fall 2000 - Rob Kusner Work alone. Answer all questions. Justify your answers. Return completed exam papers to Rob (or his mailbox) before 23 December 2000. 1. Consider a few of the ``other'' topologies on $\R$: (i) trivial, (ii) Zariski ( = finite complement), (iii) discrete. For each of these topologies check whether the interval $[a,b]$ is (a) closed, (b) connected, (c) compact? 2. Show that every map from the circle $S^1 \ra\ \R^n$ extends to a map from the disk $D^2 \ra\ \R^n$. 3. Consider the ``infinite tee'' in the plane, i.e., the subspace $T\subset\R^2$ defined by the union of the $x$-axis and the negative $y$-axis. Show that $T$ has a one-point compactification $T'$. To which letter of the Greek alphabet is $T'$ homeomorphic? 4. Decide whether the subspaces $A$, $B$ and $C$ of $\R^2$ suggested by the corresponding letters of the Roman alphabet, are homeomorphic to each other or not. If a pair of spaces is not homeomorphic, can one be embedded in the other? 5. Let $X$ and $Y$ be connected and let $A\subset X$ and $B\subset Y$ be proper subsets. Show that $(X\tim Y) - (A\tim B)$ is connected. 6. Let $X$ be any space, and let $Y$ be a compactly generated, Hausdorff space. Show that a proper bijective map $$f: X \ra Y$$ is a homeomorphism.