this is a summary of data generated from "bridge.fe" suppose we fix some parameters for the pendant solder drops, say: (pad spacing) (pad radius) (gravity:surface tension) DD=1 RR=.8 GG=1 then, as we vary the parameter TT from pi/6 to pi/2, or rather pi/TT from 6 to 2, we find the following behavior for the critical volume fraction FF where the bridges break when we flow from our intial surface (we also include the "pibridge.fe" data under 1) pi/TT 6(hexagon) 4(square) 3(triangle) 2(linear) 1(dumbell) FF 0.29 0.26 0.23 0.19 0.10 of course, more work will need to be done to see what further reduction in FF is needed to break stable bridges which have already formed but my preliminary conclusion is that not only do hexagonal arrays provide about 20% more pads per unit area at the same pad spacing, but also permit considerably larger solder volumes in the non-bridging regime one caveat is that, with the assumption of pi/TT-fold symmetry, the bridges are joining all neighbors - as is probably obvious, less FF is needed to bridge with only some neighbors, so the above can be viewed as a verification of this behavior: the limiting case (dumbell in "pibridge.fe") gives the lower bound rob kusner 6/2/94