Undergraduate Research at GANG
Summer 2002
The Research Experience for Undergraduate
is an NSF-supported opportunity for undergraduates in scientific research.
Advisor: Nick Schmitt <nick@math.umass.edu>
Student: Richard Buckman <rbuckman@student.umass.edu>
Spherical Polygons
Applets, Programs and Papers
Spherical Polygon Explorer -
Java Applet demonstrating the spherical polygons inequalities.
CMC Trinoid Viewer -
Java Applet demonstrating the moduli space of constant mean curvature trinoids.
CMC Fournoid Viewer -
Java Applet demonstrating constant mean curvature fournoids.
Unitarize - Mathematica package to check spherical polygon inequalities
and to simultaneously unitarize matrices.
Spherical Polygons -
Paper explicating our results on the spherical polygon inequalities and
simultaneous unitarizability.